Oral Surgery
Cirurgia Oral
Course code:9548314
Paulo Rogério Figueiredo Maia
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Have an adequate knowledge of surgical anatomy of orofacial region.
- Make a clinical history.
- Identify correctly the radiology exams used in oral surgery.
- Learn about the different techniques of asepsis.
- Prepare a patient for surgery.
- Have knowledge of surgical technique.
- Meet the pharmacology and therapeutics of anesthetics, NSAID, corticoides and antibiotics.
- Know the extraction technique and the possible complications.
- Introduction to oral surgery.
- Surgical anatomy of the oro maxillofacial region.
- Diagnosis in oral surgery.
- Surgical act in oral surgery.
- Aseptic conditions and antisepsis.
- Surgical Technique.
- Oral anesthesia.
- Exodontia technique.
- Patient of Risk in oral surgery.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Ellis E, Hupp JR, Peterson LJ (2005) Cirurgia Oral e Maxilo Facial Contemporânea. 4th ed., Elsevier. ISBN-10: 8535215395.
- Escoda CG & Aytés LB. Tratado de Cirurgía Bucal. Tomo I. Ergon.
- Rodriguez MD & González JMM (Eds.) (2013) Donado. Cirurgía Bucal - Patologia y Técnica. 23rd ed. ISBN: 9788445823552.