Oral Surgery1

Cirurgia Oral

Course code:9548314

Paulo Rogério Figueiredo Maia

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Have an adequate knowledge of surgical anatomy of orofacial region.
  • Make a clinical history.
  • Identify correctly the radiology exams used in oral surgery.
  • Learn about the different techniques of asepsis.
  • Prepare a patient for surgery.
  • Have knowledge of surgical technique.
  • Meet the pharmacology and therapeutics of anesthetics, NSAID, corticoides and antibiotics.
  • Know the extraction technique and the possible complications.
  1. Introduction to oral surgery.
  2. Surgical anatomy of the oro maxillofacial region.
  3. Diagnosis in oral surgery.
  4. Surgical act in oral surgery.
  5. Aseptic conditions and antisepsis.
  6. Surgical Technique.
  7. Oral anesthesia.
  8. Exodontia technique.
  9. Patient of Risk in oral surgery.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Ellis E, Hupp JR, Peterson LJ (2005) Cirurgia Oral e Maxilo Facial Contemporânea. 4th ed., Elsevier. ISBN-10: 8535215395.
  • Escoda CG & Aytés LB. Tratado de Cirurgía Bucal. Tomo I. Ergon.
  • Rodriguez MD & González JMM (Eds.) (2013) Donado. Cirurgía Bucal - Patologia y Técnica. 23rd ed. ISBN: 9788445823552.