Oral Rehabilitation Clinic I
Clínica de Reabilitação Oral I
Course code:9548402
Paulo João Bela Teiga Durão Maurício
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Knowing how to obtain and record a medical history, conduct an objective examination correctly, interpret clinical findings and request the complementary diagnostic exams necessary, considering the ethical and economic implications.
- Knowing how to perform a wide range of clinical procedures related to dentistry medical practice, among which are included the techniques for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases and abnormalities.
- Develop in students the spirit of research and scientific rigor.
- Provide the student with knowledge: About occlusion, fixed prosthesis, PPR and which materials are appropriate to their achievement.
- Share with patients the provisional diagnosis of their problems and learn to propose treatment plans for their resolution.
- Knowing the best diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in a perspective based on evidence.
- Stimulate curiosity and interest so that it contributes to the development of dentistry.
The following issues will be addressed; Color and aesthetics, rehabilitation of endodonted teeth, additive and immediate prosthesis, Fixed and Partially Fixed prosthesis, denture, dental lab and procedures, clinical cases, Occlusion and pathologies.
Theoretical and practical:
The student will have to perform the placement of prefabricated and aesthetic spikes, repair acrylic prostheses and diagnostic wax-ups.
Oral rehabilitation of patients of the Egas Moniz University Clinic, practical classes will be taught in adequate rooms with individual offices, equipped with all the equipment necessary for the proper practice of dentistry at the University Clinic, under the guidance and supervision of the assistant.
The practical exercises are mandatory, performed individually and with assistance.
Theoretical and practical knowledge of unit fixed prosthesis, PPR and Occlusion is required.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Dawson PE (2008) Oclusão Funcional, da ATM ao desenho do sorriso, L. Santos Ed.. ISBN:978-85-7288-962-5
- Fiori SR (2010) Atlas de prótese Parcial Removível, L. Santos Ed.. ISBN: 978-85-7288-817-2
- Pegoraro LF (2014) Fundamentos de prótese Fixa, Artes Medicas. ISBN: 978-85-367-0245-2
- Volpato C, Garbelotto L, Zani I, Vasconcellos D (2013) Próteses Odontológicas. 1st ed., Ed. L. Santos. ISBN: 978-85-7288-911-7
- Maurício P, et al. (2011/2012) Protocolos de clinica de reabilitação Oral. 1st ed., Associação académica do ISCSEM