Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine I
Cirurgia e Medicina Oral I
Course code:9548405
Carlos Manuel Zagalo Fernandes Ribeiro
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine I curricular unit intends to be an introductory approach to the study of the most frequent diseases of the mouth. It is intended to prepare students to deal with patients carrying those diseases. Those skills are supposed to be used in a future professional activity and should be used as a bridge to acquisition of further knowledge in other curricular units. Students should be able to integrate the basic concepts of the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases studied.
At the end of the curricular unit, students, when facing a clinical case, should be able to elaborate a list of differential diagnostic hypotheses and should know how to refer patients with systemic, infectious or oncologic situations. Furthermore students should be able to elaborate a surgical plan to patients that will have to be submitted to surgical procedures.
Oral surgery chapter
- Emergencies in oral surgery.
- Infection in oral surgery.
- Special risk factors in oral surgery.
- Surgery of inclusive teeth.
- Biopsy.
- Periapical surgery.
- Pain in the maxilla, mandibular and facial areas (surgical perspective).
Oral medicine chapter
- Introduction to the study of the seriously ill patient.
- Vesicubullous diseases.
- Ulcerative conditions.
- White lesions.
- Red-blue lesions.
- Other pigmented lesions.
- Inflammatory jaw lesions.
- Abnormalities of teeth.
- Dental caries.
- Periodontal disease.
- Emergencies in Dentistry.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Regezi, Sciubba, Jordan (2012) Oral Pathology, Clinical Pathologic Correlations. 6th ed., Elsevier. ISBN: 978-1-4557-0262-6
- Laskaris G (2003) Color Atlas of Oral Diseases. 2nd ed., Thieme Medical, New York. ISBN: 3-13-717003-6
- Escoda CG & Aytês LB. Cirurgia Bucal. Ergona Barcelona. ISBN: 84-8934-61-X
- Vila CN (2006) Tratado de Cirurgia Oral y Maxilofacial. Arán Ed. ISBN: 9788495913364