Conservative Dentistry II
Medicina Dentária Conservadora II
Course code:9548432
Ana Cristina da Natividade Tavares Mano Azul
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Theoretical part:
- The student should acquire theoretical knowledge allowing sufficient clinical autonomy in Operative Dentistry and Endodontics at different levels: Prevention, diagnosis and therapeutical option.
Clinical practice:
- The student should obtain autonomy in his capacity to diagnose and to make the best treatment choice.
- The student should be able to select and apply the adequate complementary diagnosis exams.
- The student should be able to manipulate all the equipments necessary to the patient treatment.
- The student should be able to select the instruments necessary for all treatments in Conservative Dentistry.
- The student should know the physico-chemical properties and manipulation instructions of all materials to be used.
Operative Dentistry - Lectures
- Dental caries prevention in adhesive operative dentistry.
- olor and characterization in anterior and posterior direct and indirect restorations.
- New methods of detection/diagnosis in cariology.
- New methods for removal of carious dental tissues.
- Adhesion to ceramics. Ceramic repair.
- Porcelain veneers – Laboratory and clinical techniques.
- Concept of polymerization.
- Types of polymerization lights.
Operative Dentistry - Clinical practice:
Treatment plans, provisional restorations, amalgam restorations, direct and indirect resin composite restorations, placement of intraradicular posts.
Endodontics - Lectures
- Traumatic dental injuries: classification.
- Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic dental injuries.
- Non-surgical endodontic retreatment: indication and case selection.
- Non-surgical endodontic retreatment: techniques.
- Internal and external root resorption: diagnosis and treatment.
- Endodontic preservation of root remnants.
- Endodontic and periodontal interrelationships.
- Endodontic surgery: indications and contraindications. Techniques and methods.
- Clinical cases discussion.
Endodontics - Clinical practice:
Pre-endodontic restorations, provisional restorations, endodontic treatment of monoradicular teeth (including upper 1st premolars).
Suggested Bibliography:
- Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd E (Eds.) (2015) Dental caries - The disease and its clinical management. 3rd ed., Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-93582-8.
- Hargreaves KM & Berman L (Eds.) (2016) Cohen´s pathways of the pulp – Expert consult. 11th ed., Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-09635-5.
- Andreasen JO, Bakland LK, Flores MT, Andreasen FM, Ander L (2011) Traumatic dental Injuries: A Manual. 3rded. Blackwell-Munksgaard. ISBN: 978-1-4051-9061-9.
- Hilton TJ, Ferracane JL, Broome JC (Eds.) (2013) Summitt’s fundamentals of operative dentistry: A contemporary approach. 4th ed., Hanover Park: Quintessence. ISBN: 978-0-86715-528-0.
- Hirata R (2017) Shortcuts in Esthetic Dentistry. Quintessence Publishing. ISBN: 978-85-7889-111-4.