Clinical Education I2

Educação Clínica I

Course code:9504206

Sónia Cristina da Silva Vicente

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The UC Clinical Education I provides the students a first contact with the practice of physical therapy in the clinical environment and the basic information necessary for understanding the clinical practice of physical therapy; simultaneously promotes a focused learning in the clinical record, in terms of clinical interview.

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Instrumental skills
  • Apply the acquired knowledge in carrying out activities, demonstrating comprehension of relevant theories;
  • Implement and deepen in clinical practice the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in previous and actual UCs;
  • Collect enough information, based on the evaluation process of the patient and the clinical case;
  • Record correctly the evaluation;
  • Apply correctly the ICF;
  • Acquire knowledge and skills to develop the trial, in the care of patients, preparing independent and appropriate decisions required in practice;
  • Evaluate all the information and recognize the significance of nonverbal communication and immediate evaluation of the information provided;
Interpersonal skills
  • Show knowledge of the individual work procedures and / or staff, to enable professional practice in different contexts, bearing in mind the ethical and ethical principles
  • Document the process of the patient and appropriately perform the subjective examination
  • Communicate with the patient, family, caregivers and recognize the signs of the disease
  • Show a professional attitude
  • Articulate knowledge and information on the condition of the patient accurately to others physiotherapists and other members of the healthcare team
Systemic skills
  • Reflect on how to approach the selection and collection of information that best suit pathological conditions presented by patients
  • Prepare a rigorous approach to the acquisition of a broad knowledge base
  • Develop clinical skills, behaviors and attitudes expected in a clinical setting

All contents that were taught in lectures and previous theoretical and practical lessons, with great emphasis on the level:

Application in clinical context of the different stages of the Patient Management Model
Subjective assessment according to ICF
Assessment in Physiotherapy and its record
The group work and the Interaction with the other members of the health team and their performance
The relationship with patients with several pathologies in a clinical setting
The practice of subjective examination and importance of the evaluation of the patient
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas. Qualidade em Fisioterapia. (2015) Fonseca JP, Jorge PC, Malato S, Marques V, Rodrigues B, Silva E, Souza-Guerra I, Tomás DJ, Vicente S .
  • Magge D (2010) Avaliação Músculo-esquelética. 5th ed., São Paulo: Manole.
  • OMS (2003) Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde. Direcção-Geral de Saúde.
  • O’Sullivan SB & Schmitz, T (2017) Fisioterapia: avaliação e tratamento. 6th ed., São Paulo: Manole.
  • Petty NJ (2006) Avaliação Neuro-músculo-esquelética: Um manual para terapeutas. 3rd ed., Loures: Lusodidacta
  • Reynolds F (2005) Communication and Clinical Effectiveness in Rehabilitation. London: Elsevier.