Clinical Education IV2

Educação Clínica IV

Course code:9504312

Cláudia Maria Lima Costa

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the CU, the students must develop the ability to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of individual / team work procedures in a clinical context.
  • Understand the dimensional and spatio-temporal relationships, developing clinical reasoning and decision making.
  • Communicate clinical information accurately with all team members.
  • Evaluate patients / users with cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neuromuscular conditions.
  • Make justified decisions regarding the assessment of the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and planning of intervention strategies, reflecting scientific knowledge and clinical reasoning adjusted to the user's expectations and perceptions.
  • Know how to register the evaluation and intervention using the analysis of scientific literature.
  • Implement the selected intervention strategies in a safe and effective manner, appropriate for reflecting on the results of the evaluation and reassessing the expectations and the user's perception.
  • Assume responsibility for the intervention with their users, by applying the acquired knowledge, using effectively and efficiently the available resources.

All contents that were taught in lectures and previous theoretical and practical lessons, with great emphasis on the level of:

Verbal and nonverbal communication in Physiotherapy;
Assessment and medical record-centered model of clinical reasoning in physical therapy,
Group work, interaction with other health team members and their functions they performed
The relationship with clients with varying conditions, particularly musculoskeletal disorders and cardio-respiratory, in a clinical setting
The practice of taking subjective, objective and intervention model in Physiotherapy that culminates in an intervention plan
Definition of problems, objectives in the short and long term, and corresponding action plan, specifying when necessary, analysis of relevant records and data evaluation, intervention and revaluation; and analysis and reflection of the choices of the practice based on the evidence that supported the decision making.
  • Assessment: Final grade of the CU is assigned according to: performance in the context of clinical practice (30%), clinical reports (20%), practical evaluation (30%) and performance in tutorial classes (20%). The student must have the approval of 9.5 (out of 20) in each component.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Frownfelter, D., Dean,E, Stout, M., Kruger,R & Anthony, J. (2022). Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Evidence to Practice (6th Ed.) Elsevier
  • Higgs, J. (2019). Clinical reasoning in the health professions (4th Ed.) Edinburgh: Elsevier
  • Jones, M.A. & Rivett (2019). Clinical reasoning in musculoskeletal practice (2nd Ed.) Edinburgh: Elsevier
  • Kisner, C., Colby, L. A. & Borstad, J. (2019). Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques (7th ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company
  • Maggee, D. & Manske, R. S. (2021). Orthopedic Physical Assessment (7th ed.) Elsevier
  • Petty, N. J. & Ryder, D. (2017). Musculoskeletal Examination and Assessment (5th ed.) Elsevier