Clinical Education V2

Educação Clínica V

Course code:9504404

Ângela Maria Correia de Figueiredo Abreu Pereira

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The CU Clinical Education V aims to offer the student a clinical context learning in which s/he will be able to apply the knowledge achieved in the theoretical and practical training period; enabling the development of performance capabilities necessaries for the evaluation, planning, implementation tasks and solving problems related to future professional activity, and develop appropriate ethical and professional behavior.

The student should demonstrate skills and capabilities:

  • Technical and scientific competencies in the areas which are part of clinical education units, particularly in cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal or neuromuscular disorders;
  • To apply appropriate evaluation models and registration in Physiotherapy practice;
  • To identify and record problems according to the evaluation results;
  • To establish and record therapeutic purposes according to the problems identified in the evaluation process;
  • To plan path treatment programs based on the assessment carried out;
  • To apply properly the treatment techniques selected for the treatment plan;
  • To register and re-evaluate treatment outcomes, and restructure them whenever revaluations require, based on an evidence-based practice;
  • To prepare and record home treatment plans;
  • To organize and adequate treatment to the time available for its conclusion;
  • To use information sources whenever circumstances require;
  • To demonstrate ability to work in teams and professional behavior according to the ethical principles;

All content curricular units taught in theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical precedent

Suggested Bibliography:

Bibliography of the preceding curricular units. Information sources that support an evidence based practice, designed to each clinical situation.

Important Information:

Students can only attend the CU Clinical Education V if they have successfully completed the theoretical courses related to the modules they will be attending, as well as all the practical and theoretical-practical Curricular Units considered.