Clinical Education VI2

Educação Clínica VI

Course code:9504408

Cláudia Maria Lima Costa

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the CU the students must demonstrate the ability to:

  • Use the best technical-scientific knowledge of the assessment, intervention and registration models, in the areas of the internship modules in a clinical context, specific and in different contexts, with professionalism;
  • Establish diagnosis, prognosis, together with the patient / team, through effective communication, intervention strategies in evidence-based Physiotherapy;
  • Establish therapeutic objectives according to the problems identified in the evaluation process, in partnership with the user and, reflect on expected results to enhance the effectiveness of the intervention;
  • Prepare appropriate records for the assessment, intervention, re-evaluation of results, and readjustment of intervention strategies;
  • Prepare discharge reports and home programs, based on evidence;
  • Take responsibility for their intervention with the user and organize and adapt the intervention to the time available for its implementation;
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in the context of care delivery, according to the best practices in Physiotherapy.

- Application, in clinical context, of the knowledge and technical-scientific skills acquired in previous theoretical and practical CUs, with emphasis on the level of assessment, diagnosis in Physiotherapy, prognosis, planning and intervention, with patients / users, with specific conditions, in the areas of cardiorespiratory, cardiovascular and neuromuscular musculoskeletal disorders.

- Selection and use of instruments to assess the specific needs of the user, the effectiveness of the intervention and of intervention strategies in Physiotherapy, centered on the patient / user, according to the best evidence-based practice.

- Elaboration of therapeutic objectives according to the problems identified in the evaluation process, in partnership with the user.

- Analysis and reflection of the records and relevant data of the evaluation, intervention and reassessment, based on an evidence-based practice.

- Identification of opportunities for improvement in the context of healthcare provision.

- Adequacy of professional attitudes and behaviors, using effective communication with patients / users, caregivers, colleagues and other professionals

  • ASSESSMENT: Supervised internship in clinical setting. Assessment scheme: A Quantitative evaluation is carried out at two levels: at the stage of clinical educator under continuous evaluation (2xME-60%; and MElderly-30%) and ESSEM after the completion of the modules of stage (CS-40%). The evaluation during the probationary period is performed by the clinical educator and staff, in two instances: 1) The first time interim evaluation must occur when 50% of the internship weeks have elapsed - qualitative assessment of student knowledge and skills - self-evaluation. 2) The second time, at the end of last week's stage - should reflect the continuous assessment carried out by educators throughout the clinical stage, including the dossier. Both time points are based on specific assessment scales developed by ESSEM graduated to allow the conversion of qualitative ratings into quantitative indicators, which include mandatory technical-scientific and professional conduct. The assessment is carried out in ESSEM through the presentation and discussion of a Case Study (CS), carried out during the probationary period.
Suggested Bibliography:

Specific bibliography depending on the area of each internship being carried out at a given moment.