Biomedical Lab Sci

Cell Biology2

Biologia celular

Course code:68103

Catarina Isabel Sousa Paraíso Bernardes Sousa

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The CU of Cell Biology serves to connect the more advanced concepts that students are about to learn with what they already know. It also serves to provide each student with a solid framework for integrating the material that comes later.

At the end of the CU, the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate accurate knowledge about the subjects taught.
  • Clarify the mechanisms responsible for cellular organization.
  • Understand the cell at its structural, functional and dynamic levels, and so to understand the cell as part integrant of the organism.
  • Know the mechanisms related to genes / genomes, and explain their influence on life quality of the human being.
  • Follow experimental procedures and to report an experimental work.
  • Demonstrate ability to reason and apply knowledge gained to new situations.
  • Develop, in a capable and integrate way, research work.
  • Relate mechanisms and / or cellular events with some of the future professional actions as Technician of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences.


  1. General foundations of cellular Biology.
  2. Cellular energetics.
  3. Molecular cell organization.
  4. Prokaryotic cell division.
  5. Eukaryotic cell cycle.
  6. Mitosis and meiosis.
  7. Basic genetic mechanisms.
  8. Plasma membrane.
  9. Extracellular matrix.
  10. Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion; junctions and adhesion molecules.
  11. Transport of small molecules and ions across cell membranes.
  12. Vesicular traffic, secretion and endocytosis.
  13. Cytoskeleton.
Lab practical classes:
Fundamental methods used to study cells.
        Light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy.
        Cellular fractionation methods.
        X-ray crystallography.
Preparation of different biological specimens for viewing in the light microscope.
        Fresh and permanent preparations.
        Examination of permanent preparations of various biological tissues selectively stained.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Lodish H, Berk A, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Bretscher A, Ploegh H, Amon A & Scott MP (2013) Molecular Cell Biology, 7th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, New York
  • Cooper GM & Hausman RE (2013) The Cell: A Molecular Approach, 6th ed., ASM PRESS, Sinauer, Washinton DC
  • Azevedo C & Sunkel CE (2012) Biologia Celular e Molecular, 5th ed., Lidel, Lisboa