Cytopathology I
Citopatologia I
Course code:68304
Eugénia Maria Marques Lucas
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Upon conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Identify and master the different stages of fine needle aspiration
- When screening, identify normal cell patterns, other constituents and patterns in various pathologies associated with the following organs: breast.
Systemic competencies:
- Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
- Interpretation of results and report writing when conducting screening
- Defining the objectives of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNA); chronological presentation of major and relevant occurrences in the (FNA) history; determining situations where FNA is applied and not applied; benefits; materials and installation requirements for executing FNA; how to execute FNA; how to execute the smear; possible artefacts and recommendations in avoiding them; histochemistry applied to FNA; cellblock in FNA; proper terms used in diagnostics by FNA; parameter evaluation from a smear obtained in FNA; possible causes for false negatives and false positives.
- Fine needle aspiration of the female breast; anatomic description of the breast; analysing the aspiration sample obtained via the FNA; cytological description of the various benign processes in the breast FNA; cysts; fibrocystic disease; pregnant and lactating breast; acute mastitis; chronic mastitis; granulomatous mastitis; steatonecrosis; rectroareolar abcess; ductal hyperplasia; gynocomastia
- Cytological descriptions associated with breast benign tumours: fibroadenoma; benign phyllodes tumour; tubular adenoma; ductal papilloma
- Cytological descriptions associated with breast malignant tumours: carcinoma (carc.) ‘in situ’ ductal and lobular; ductal and lobular invasive carc.; bone marrow carc.; mucinous carc.; tubular carc.; papillary carc.; metaplastic carc.; cystic adenoidal carc.; apocrine carc. (oncocytic); squamos carcinoma
- Thyroid fine needle aspiration; anatomical localization of the thyroid gland; clinical data favouring benign and malignant thyroid lesions; description of the aspiration sample obtained via FNA; description of the thyroid cellular structures obtained via FNA when stained With MMG and PAP; description of the various cell types present in the smear obtained via FNA of the thyroid. Diagnostic terms. Associations of various cell arrangements and differing diagnostics between pathologies
- Thyroid smear evaluation – benign lesions: colloidal goiter, multinodular and nodular, amyloidal goiter, hyperthyroidism (Grave’s illness or Basedaw), Riedel’s disease, black thyroid, acute thyroiditis, sub-acute granulomatosis (Quervain) and chronical lynphocytic (Hashimoto); follicular adenoma.
- Thyroid smear evaluation – malignant lesions; papillary carcinoma; Follicular tumour; medullar carcinoma; hurthle cellular tumour ; Insular carcinoma; anaplastic carcinoma; lymphoma
- Salivary gland fine needle aspiration: anatomical location of the various salivary glands; importance of clinical and cytological data in evaluating the FNA smear; smear appearance and possible complications arising from FNA; staining types and methods: Papanicolaou (PAP) and May Grundwald Giemsa (MGG); describing the various cells in a normal smear.
- Evaluating the smear originating in the salivary glands – benign lesions: acute and chronic sialodenosis granulomatous and lympho epithelial sialodenosis ; sialodenosis ; non neoplastic cyst with mucous content (mucocelo) and squamous epithelial layer.
- Evaluating the smear originating in the salivary glands – benign tumors: pleiomorfico adenoma; Warthin tumor; oncocitoma…; basal cell adenoma; mioepithelioma.
- Evaluating the smear originating in the salivary glands – malignant tumours: cystic adenoidal carcinoma (cylindroma); mucos squamous carcinoma; adenocarcinoma of basal cell; lymphoma.
Optical microscope observation of cytological findings and correlation with the lectures.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Documentation provided by the Professor in class
- Bancroft JD, Stevens A (1996) Theory and Pratice of Histological Techniques”, 4th ed.
- Decreto-Lei n° 584/99 de 21 de Dezembro de 1999
- Moreno A (1997) O mundo fascinante da Medicina, Printipo
- Sousa Tavares (1996) Curso de História, das origens aos fins do sêc. XVI. Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian
- Veloso AJB (2000) A Medicina, A Arte e o Oficio , Gradiva