Biomedical Lab Sci

Clinical and Laboratorial Immunohemotherapy2

Imuno-Hemoterapia Clínico-Laboratorial I

Course code:68302

Bruno E. Moia dos Santos Valdez

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Students are expected to gain knowledge in order to be able to create and manage an immunohematology laboratory, as well as gain knowledge to perform all analyzes and processing of the various blood components to be transfused.

They should be able to perform immunohematology laboratory techniques such as: Blood typing for the ABO, Rh, Kell, Lewis, Lutheran, Kidd, Duffy, MNS, P systems.

As well as immunohematological studies: direct Coombs and study of hemolytic disease of the newborn, eluates, indirect Coombs, search and identification of irregular antibodies, dilution and titration of irregular antibodies, compatibility tests and selection of blood components to be transfused. The student should be able to participate in scientific work, projects and experience in the area of immunohemotherapy.

  1. The Immunohemotherapy Service
  2. The blood donation
  3. The various blood components and their processing
  4. Quality control of blood components
  5. ABO System
  6. Rh System
  7. Erythrocyte antigenic systems: Kell, Lewis, Lutheran, Kidd, Duffy, MNS, P
  8. Coombs Tests
  9. Direct Coombs and Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn
  10. Indirect Coombs
  11. Investigation and Identification of Irregular Antibodies
  12. Extended phenotyping for patients and donors
  13. Compatibility tests
  14. Hemoderivatives
  15. Indication and selection of blood components to transfuse
  16. Therapeutic indications of blood components and blood derivatives
  17. Study of pathologies followed in the Immunohemotherapy Service
  18. Quality Control in Immunohemotherapy (internal and external)
  19. Transfusion reactions and communicable diseases
Blood components and their quality control
ABO System
Rh System
Other antigenic erythrocyte systems
Direct Coombs Test and Diagnosis of Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn
Study of the newborn
Indirect Coombs Test
Dilution and titration of anti-erythrocyte antibodies
Study of the pregnant
Extended phenotyping of patients and donors
Selection and compatibilization of blood components
Complete study of the patient to be transfused
Clinical case studies
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Roback JD (ed) (2011) Technical manual. 17th ed. America Association of Bloob Banks.
  • Compilation of notes provided by the Professor.