Biomedical Lab Sci

Internship in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences I2

Estágio em Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais I

Course code:68401

Maria João Pimenta Hilário

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The general objectives of these trainings are designed to provide the student with the first contact with the professional reality, under the guidance of experienced professionals, accredited by the practice. Thus, it is intended that the training constitutes in fact an opportunity, not only for the application of knowledge previously acquired but also to develop and enhance the skills and qualifications required to exercise the respective profession. In these circumstances the training, with the duration of a term, with its own program and subsequent evaluation of students' performance, as indicated below, an integral part of the curriculum of the course.

  • Design, planning, organization, application and evaluation of the work process, with the objective of health promotion, prevention and support for diagnosis and treatment. To this end, it mobilizes laboratory sciences and skills in clinical pathology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, clinical hematology, clinical chemistry, public health, forensic pathology, immunohemotherapy and others.
  • Laboratory tests on biological and non-biological specimens
  • Collection, processing and conservation of biological samples (organic fluids and tissues)
  • Practical ability to perform non-invasive techniques, microscopy, spectroscopy, electrophoresis, chromatography, electrolysis, enzymatic assays and others
  • Use of epidemiology to identify risk and protective factors associated with the disease
  • Monitoring and development of new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases
  • Performing complex laboratory procedures, evaluation and interpretation of results, data integration and problem solving
  • Evaluation and correlation of data that ensure the accuracy and validity of laboratory information
  • Mastery of the key concepts of the biological, chemical, physical and physiological sciences that support the practice of applied health laboratory sciences
  • Application of the code of good laboratory practice including quality, hygiene and safety aspects
  • Understanding the structure and function of the human body relevant to professional practice
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Burtis CA, Ashwood ER (1998) Tietz Fundamentos de Química Clínica, Editora Guanabara Koogan S.A.
  • Henry JB (1999) Diagnóstico Clínico e tratamentos por métodos laboratoriais, 19th ed, Editora Manole LTDA.
  • Estridge BH, Reynolds AP (2010) Técnicas Básicas de Laboratório Clínico, 3rd ed, Editora Artmed.