Applied Research in Biomedical Laboratory
Investigação Aplicada em Ciências Biomédicas
Course code:68313
Sérgio Valério
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- This course aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge on research methodologies. The curricular unit is primarily intended to provide a solid foundation not only in the knowledge of how to do research and its stages, but also in the practical application and interpretation of this knowledge with computer programs.
- Organization of working groups and themes
- Considerations about investigational ethics:
- The Declaration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments
- Rights of persons that lend themselves to clinical trials
- The information of the user; informed consent; the liability of the investigator
- Research work of scientific articles with topics of interest subject to the monographs of the working groups
- Standards for scientific reporting: APA standards
- Practical work on the development of databases
- Qualitative data entry in Epi-data / Inserting data into SPSS
- Data treatment and data bases
- Clarification on the preparation of scientific papers standards
- Final text of the monograph
Suggested Bibliography:
- Cervo AL (1983) Metodologia Científica. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: McGraw-Hill
- D´Hainout Louis (1997) Conceitos e métodos da estatística, volume I, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Fortin M (2003) O processo de investigação: da concepção à realização. 3ª Edição, Lusociência
- Gonzaga RAF (1994) Regras básicas de investigação clínica. Colecção Medicina e Saúde, Instituto Piaget
- Marques-Vidal P (2000) Formulário de bioestatistica, Edições Egas Moniz (available at the Students' Association
- Murteira B, Ribeiro C et al (2002) Introdução à estatística, McGraw-Hill
- Reis E, Melo P et al, Estatística Aplicada, Sílabo