Biomedical Lab Sci

Applied Research in Biomedical Laboratory1

Investigação Aplicada em Ciências Biomédicas

Course code:68313

Sérgio Valério

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • This course aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge on research methodologies. The curricular unit is primarily intended to provide a solid foundation not only in the knowledge of how to do research and its stages, but also in the practical application and interpretation of this knowledge with computer programs.
  1. Organization of working groups and themes
  2. Considerations about investigational ethics:
    • The Declaration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments
    • Rights of persons that lend themselves to clinical trials
    • The information of the user; informed consent; the liability of the investigator
  3. Research work of scientific articles with topics of interest subject to the monographs of the working groups
  4. Standards for scientific reporting: APA standards
  5. Practical work on the development of databases
  6. Qualitative data entry in Epi-data / Inserting data into SPSS
  7. Data treatment and data bases
  8. Clarification on the preparation of scientific papers standards
  9. Final text of the monograph
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Cervo AL (1983) Metodologia Científica. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: McGraw-Hill
  • D´Hainout Louis (1997) Conceitos e métodos da estatística, volume I, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
  • Fortin M (2003) O processo de investigação: da concepção à realização. 3ª Edição, Lusociência
  • Gonzaga RAF (1994) Regras básicas de investigação clínica. Colecção Medicina e Saúde, Instituto Piaget
  • Marques-Vidal P (2000) Formulário de bioestatistica, Edições Egas Moniz (available at the Students' Association
  • Murteira B, Ribeiro C et al (2002) Introdução à estatística, McGraw-Hill
  • Reis E, Melo P et al, Estatística Aplicada, Sílabo