Laboratorial Orthodontics I
Ortodontia Laboratorial I
Course code:9791204
Teresa Luísa Dos Santos Sobral Costa
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The course aims to enable learning theoretical and practical methods, techniques of manufacture and repair of orthodontic resin self-curing orthodontic wire.
The student must also perform the various elements that may be part of a removable orthodontic appliance, identifying their functions in the mouth.
- Occlusion.
- Andrews' 6 Keys Occlusion.
- Types of Malocclusion.
- Stomatognathic Apparatus: Functional Development Periods.
- Study Models.
- Tooth Movement.
- Protocol Query Orthodontics.
- Types of Orthodontic Treatment.
- Biomechanics.
- Biomechanical Elements: Vestibular Arch, Retention Hooks, Support Base Protrusion Spring, Spring Digital Expansion Screw.
- Removable Appliances: Hawley, Essix, Schwartz, Fränkel, Twin block, Bionator, Expanders, Magnetic Device, Variations.
The course aims to enable learning of practical methods and techniques of manufacture and repair of orthodontic resin self-curing orthodontic wire. The student must perform the various elements that may be a part of a removable orthodontic appliance, identifying their functions in the mouth. The student must identify and apply Andrews' six keys of occlusion in orthodontic set-up..
Suggested Bibliography:
- Fischer-Brandies H, Stahl ANF (1991) Técnica Ortodoncica-indicaciones y clínica, Ed. Masson.
- Lawson H, Blazuck J (1992) Bench Top Orthodontics, Quintessence Books.
- Proffit WR (2000) Ortodontia Contemporânea, 3rd ed., Ed. Guanabara Koogan.
- Brusola JAC (1991) Ortodontia Clínica, Salvat Ed.
- Ferreira FV (2002) Ortodoncia: Diagnóstico y planificación clínica,Editora Artes Médicas.