Dental Prosthesis

Dental Implant Prosthesis II2

Prótese Implantológica II

Course code:9791310

Paulo João Bela Teiga de Durão Maurício

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Knowing how to perform a wide range of procedures relating to the dental prosthesis.
  • Develop in students the spirit of research and scientific rigor.
  • Knowing the best procedures from a perspective based on evidence.
  • Provide the student with knowledge: History and development of full and partial denture fixed on implants and overdentures.
  • Stimulate the curiosity and interest of the student, so that he, with new ideas, may contribute to the development of Prosthodontics.
  1. Concepts of prosthesis on multiple implants - How to plan and execute.
  2. Concepts of fixed dentures on implants cemented and bolted including hybrid prosthesis.
  3. Concepts and techniques of overdentures.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Misch CE (2006) Prótese sobre Implantes, 1st ed., Elsevier, São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Cranin AN (2000) Atlas en color de Implantologia, 2nd ed., Mosby, Madrid, Spain.
  • Renouard F (2000) Fatores de risco em implantologia oral, 2nd ed.,São Paulo, Quintessence.