Anatomy of Head and Neck
Anatomia da Cabeça e Pescoço
Course code:9791106
Vítor José Glaziou Tavares
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
At the end of the course students should:
- Be able to identify and locate the exact position of a structure.
- Be able to observe and describe accurately and objectively structure.
- Be able to explain the relationship between form and function.
- Know the anatomical terminology they will use during their career and will enable them to communicate with other elements of a multidisciplinary team or research.
- Have acquired anatomical notions indispensable to understanding the other course subjects.
- Osteology of the head and neck.
- Arthrology the head and neck.
- Myology of the head and neck.
- Heart and Vascular System of the head and neck.
- Central and Peripheral Nervous System.
- Oral cavity.
- Endocrine System.
- Topographic anatomy of the head and neck.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Zagalo C, Santos JM, Cavacas A, Silva AJS, Evangelista JG, Oliveira P, Tavares V (2010) Anatomia da Cabeça e do Pescoço e Anatomia Dentária, 1st ed., Lisboa: Egas Moniz Publicações.
- Sobotta J (1995) Atlas de Anatomia Humana. 21st ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.
- Netter FH (1998) Atlas de Anatomia Humana. 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artmed.