Dental Prosthesis

Dental Implant Prosthesis I2

Prótese Implantológica I

Course code:9791220

Paulo João Bela Teiga de Durão Maurício

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Knowing perform a wide range of procedures relating to the dental prosthesis.
  • Develop in students the spirit of research and scientific rigor.
  • Knowing the best procedures from a perspective based on evidence.
  • Provide the student with knowledge: History and development of implantology.
  • Stimulate curiosity and interest of the student, so that he, with new ideas, contribute to the development of Prosthodontics.

Planning and execution.
Fixed concepts of cemented and screw implants and technical walkthrough.

Suggested Bibliography:
  • Misch CE (2006) Prótese sobre Implantes, 1st ed., Elsevier, São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Cranin AN (2000) Atlas en color de Implantologia, 2nd ed., Mosby, Madrid, Spain.
  • Renouard F & Rangert B (2008) Fatores de risco em implantologia oral, 2nd ed., São Paulo, Quintessence.