Histology and Embryology I
Histologia e Embriologia I
Course code:9548115
Maria Eduarda Carvalho Marques da Silva
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Knowledge and microscopic identification of human cells and tissues, and its relation to the understanding of different pathologies;
- Knowledge of histological processing techniques most frequently used. Learning the use of the microscope;
- To apply the knowledge, employ correct terminology, and meet the technical mechanisms;
- The student must possess the essential tools for the development of the study, clinical research and laboratory practice.
- Histological processing technique.
- Study of cells and tissues: epithelial tissue, glandular tissue, support (connective) tissue, adipose tissue, cartilaginous tissue, bone tissue. Bone marrow, blood and circulatory system, muscle tissue, nervous tissue.
- Embryology.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Stevens A, Lowe JS (1997) Human Histology. 2nd ed., Mosby/Elsevier, Missouri. ISBN 10: 0723424853 / ISBN 13: 9780723424857.
- Carneiro J & Junqueira LCU (1993) Histologia Básica. Guanabara Koogan S.A., Rio de Janeiro. ISBN: 0801666104.
- Fawcett WY, Don W, Bloom (1995) Tratado de Histologia. 12ª ed., Interamericana, McGraw Hill, Cartone Ilustrada, Madrid. ISBN: 8448601076.