
Anatomy II1

Anatomia II

Course code:9548116

Pedro Miguel Antunes Oliveira

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the course, students should:

  • Be able to identify and locate the exact position of a structure.
  • Be able to observe and describe accurately and objectively a structure.
  • Be able to explain the relationship between form and function.
  • Know the anatomical terminology they will use during their career and enabling them to communicate with other members of a multidisciplinary team or a research team.
  • Have acquired anatomical concepts essential for understanding the rest of the course contents.

Objectives of the Theoretical Programme: Provide the knowledge of the general morphology of the human body in order to prepare the understanding of its structures and functioning.

Objectives of the Practical Programme: Confront students with real anatomical elements or models, in direct contact. The practical classes are still used as a means of assessing student achievement.

  1. Vascular system.
  2. Respiratory system.
  3. Digestive system.
  4. Urogenital system.
  5. Endocrine system.
  6. Central nervous system.
  7. Sensory organs.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Santos JM, Cavacas A, Silva AJS, Zagalo C, Evangelista JG, Oliveira P, Tavares V (2011) Anatomia Geral - Moreno. 6ª ed., Lisboa: Egas Moniz Publicações. ISBN 972-98495-2-8.
  • Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, Bannister LH (1995). Gray Anatomia. 37th ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan. ISBN 9788527702898.
  • Testut L & Latarjet A (1949) Traité d’Anatomie Humaine. 9th ed., Paris: G. Doin & Cie.
  • Rouvière H, Delmas A (1988) Anatomia Humana. 9ª ed., Barcelona – México: Masson, S.A. ISBN 84-311-0402-3.
  • Sobotta J (1995) Atlas de Anatomia Humana. 21ª ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan. ISBN 3-437-41940-4.
  • Netter FH (1998) Atlas de Anatomia Humana. 2ª ed., Porto Alegre: Artmed. ISBN 0-914168-81-9.