
Dental Materials I1

Materiais Dentários I

Course code:9548202

Mário Humberto dos Santos Cruz Polido

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The curricular unit of Dental Materials aims to teach the materials used in Dental Medicine.
Students are expected to grasp the basic concepts of the microstructure of materials and their handling and application, as well as the basic principles of Biocompatibility and its standards.
A theoretical revision of the stages of embryonic development of the teeth will also be made, with special emphasis on the enamel and dentin structure, as substrates of dental materials.
The structure of the materials will be approached and reviewed, being presented the definitions and the development of concepts extracted from the science of materials.
An introduction will be made to the study of the solid, liquid and gaseous state and the concepts of atomic arrangements, types of union, composition and defects that characterize the solid, liquid and gas phases.
The physical and mechanical properties of materials.

As final objectives, students should be able to:

  • Select, manipulate and evaluate material preformance.
  • Recognize material limitations.
  • Understand the mechanisms of material failure.
  1. Properties and classification of dental materials.
  2. Biocompatibility of dental materials.
  3. Dental embryology.
  4. Structure of matter and principles of accession.
  5. Physical properties of materials.
  6. Mechanical properties of materials.
  7. Solidification and microstructure of metals and alloys.
  8. Dental polymers.
  9. Dental materials accessories: Impression materials and model; Dental waxes; Finishing and polishing materials.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Anusavice K (2012) Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials, 12th ed., St Louis: Saunders Company; 2012.
  • Craig RG, Powers JM (2002) Restorative Dental Materials. 11ª ed. St Louis: Mosby, Inc.
  • O’Brian W. (1989) Dental Material: Properties and Selection. 1ª ed. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Company.
  • Craig R. (1996) Materiales Dentales: Propiedades y Manipulación. 6ª ed. Madrid: Mosby.