Course code:9548206
Jorge Celso Dias Correia da Fonseca
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The aim of this curricular unit is the acquisition of fundamental concepts regarding:
- The basic mechanisms of cell and tissue damage.
- The pathophysiological changes of human systems and organs.
Students will learn to:
- Use clinical terminology shared with other health professionals.
- Debate the human disorders with other dentistry students and with other health professionals.
- Understand the clinical features according to pathophysiology changes.
- Understand laboratory data and other exams according to pathophysiology changes.
- Understand oral lesions of systemic disorders according to pathophysiology changes.
- Basic terminology and concepts on pathophysiology.
- Cell and tissue damage. Cell damage, adaptation and death.
- Pathophysiology of blood and hematopoietic organs.
- Pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders.
- Disorders of the arteries: hypertension and atherosclerosis.
- Pathophysiology of the respiratory system.
- Pathophysiology of the renal disorders. Fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Acidosis and alkalosis.
- Pathophysiology of the endocrine system.
- Pathophysiology of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
- Pathophysiology of the thyroid gland.
- Pathophysiology of adrenal cortex.
- Pathophysiology of adrenal medulla.
- Diabetes and endocrine pancreas disorders.
- Mineral metabolism and metabolic bone disorders.
- Pathophysiology of gastrointestinal disease.
- Pathophysiology of the liver, biliary tract and exocrine pancreas disorders.
- Pathophysiology of the nervous system disorders.
Suggested Bibliography:
- McPhee SJ, Lingappa, VR, Ganong WF (2005) Pathophysiology of Disease. An Introduction to Clinical Medicine. 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, EUA. ISBN-10: 007144159X.
- Stevens A, Lowe J. (2000) Pathology. Mosby-Year Book, 2nd ed.ISBN-10: 0723431604.
- Stevens A, Lowe J. (2004) Patologia. Editora Manole, Tamboré, Brasil. ISBN-85-204-1267-X.