
Dental Materials II1

Materiais Dentários II

Curse code:9548211

Mário Humberto dos Santos Cruz Polido

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The course aims at the teaching materials used in dentistry.
It is intended that students apprehend the basics of the microstructure of materials and their handling and application, as well as the basic principles of biocompatibility and its standards. Will be addressed Materials Technology, with particular emphasis on composition, classification, manipulation, and the correlation between the structure of matter and the properties of each material.
As final objectives, it is intended that students become trained to select, handle, evaluate the performance of the material, recognize the limitations of materials and understand the failure mechanisms of materials.

  1. CATERING SUPPLIES DIRECT: Adhesion; Composite Resins; Dental Cements; Dental amalgam; Gold.
  2. INDIRECT MATERIALS FOR RESTORATION: Foundry Alloys; Alloys Pre-Formed; Dental Ceramics; Materials Used in Prosthodontics; Dental Implants.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Anusavice K. (2012) Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials. 12th ed. St Louis: Saunders Company.
  • Craig RG, Powers JM (2002) Restorative Dental Materials. 11ª ed. St Louis: Mosby, Inc.
  • O’Brian W. (1989) Dental Material: Properties and Selection. 1ª ed. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Company.
  • Craig R. (1996) Materiales Dentales: Propiedades y Manipulación. 6ª ed. Madrid: Mosby.