Oral Rehabilitation I
Reabilitação Oral I
Course code:9548302
Sérgio Manuel Antunes Félix
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The curricular unit is divided into the following: fixed prosthodontics, removable partial prosthodontics and occlusion.
Goals and Skills to be attained:
- The student is expected to be able to define fixed prosthodontics, removable partial prosthodontics and occlusion.
- The student is expected to be able to demonstrate both in writing and orally, as well as in simulators that he/she has acquired the basic knowledge that allows him/her to plan and make a unitary fixed prosthesis and a removable partial prosthesis whilst complying with the principles of occlusion.
- The student is expected to be able to demonstrate the principles that apply to oral prosthetic rehabilitations.
- To develop in the student study habits, together with accuracy and precision in the usage of technical and professional vocabulary.
- To stimulate the curiosity of the student so as to have there contribute with (ideas to the development of occlusion.
- To identify and describe the stomatognathic system.
The importance of occlusion in these particular areas of patient care.
OR terminology.
OR diagnosis and treatment plan and choice between types of restorations and materials. - CLINICAL STEPS
Tooth preparation in fixed oral rehabilitation – partial and total crowns.
Provisional fixed dentures.
Gum retraction.
Definitive impressions.
Classification of removable partial dentures (RPD).
Components of removable partial dentures (RPD).
Support for RPD’s.
Denture bases and teeth.
Extra-coronal retainers. Clamp.
Concepts of occlusion, principles of the anatomy of the temporomandibular joint, static and dynamic relations between the teeth, mandibular dynamics.
Analysis of dental occlusion models.
Dental occlusion alterations.
Projects in Oral Rehabilitation I:
Dental preparations; First lower molar and maxillary central incisor crowns.
Dental arches registration and preliminary models.
Design of RPD.
Prosthetic equator, clamp, dental-retainers, guiding planes.
Rest seat, major and minor connectors and denture bases.
Static and dynamic occlusion.
Inter-maxillary relations in OR. Record making; arch bites, fixed dentures and occlusion.
Diagnostic wax-up.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD (2007) Fundamentos De Prótese Fixa. 4th ed., Quintessence. ISBN: 978-85-87425751
- Saito T (1999) Preparos Dentais Funcionais. 2nd ed., Quintessence, Brasil. ISBN: 85-7288-164-6
- Di Fiori S (2010) Atlas Protese Parcial Removível - Princípios Biomecânicos, Biopróteticos e de Oclusão. Santos Editora. ISBN: 978-85-7288-817-2
- Todescan R (2001) Atlas protese parcial removível. 2nd ed. Santos Editora. ISBN: 85-7288-064-X
- Okeson JP (2013) Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 7th ed., Elsevier, Mosby. ISBN: 9780323082204