Operative Dentistry I
Dentisteria Operatória I
Course code:9548320
Ana Cristina da Natividade Tavares Mano Azul
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Theoretical part:
- The student must acquire the knowledge of the physical/chemical properties, application fields and manipulation instructions of the materials used in Operative Dentistry, in an oriented way for their practical application in the clinic.
- The student should acquire theoretical knowledge allowing the execution of the different works in the pre-clinical classes at a level permitting the beginning of the clinical activity next year.
Practical part:
- The student should acquire practical knowledge that allows the execution of the different works in the pre-clinical classes at a level permitting the beginning of the clinical activity next year.
- The student should be able to manipulate in an independent way all the necessary equipments and instruments.
- The student should be able to select and use the necessary instruments for each specific procedure.
- Numerical dental systems.
- Nomenclature of a cavity. Classification of cavities.
- General principles for cavity preparations.
- Fundamentals of cavity preparations.
- Fundamental notions on instruments used in Operative Dentistry.
- Matrices systems.
- Composite resins.
Practical classes:
- Pre-clinical classes involving tooth preparations in anterior and posterior teeth for amalgam and resin composite restorations.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Anusavice KJ, Shen C, Rawls HR (Eds.) (2013) Phillips´s Science of Dental Materials. 12th ed., St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders. ISBN: 978-1-4377-2418-9.
- Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd E (Eds.) (2015) Dental Caries: The Disease and its Clinical Management. 3rd ed., Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-93582-8
- Heymann HO, Swift Jr. EJ, Ritter AV (2013) Sturdevant’s art and Science of Operative Dentistry. 6th ed., Missouri: Elsevier, St. Louis. ISBN: 978-0-323-08333-1
- Hilton TJ, Ferracane JL, Broome JC (Eds.) (2013) Summitt’s fundamentals of operative dentistry: A contemporary approach. 4th ed., Hanover Park: Quintessence. ISBN: 978-0-86715-528-0.
- Hirata R (2017) Shortcuts in Esthetic Dentistry. Quintessence Publishing. ISBN: 978-85-7889-111-4.