Paediatric Dentistry
Course code:9548309
Irene Maria Ventura De Carvalho Ramos
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Understand what is pediatric dentistry.
- Dealing with medical care and their implications.
- Recognize the importance of public health and prevention.
- Working in a team with different health professionals.
- Make diagnoses, plan and carry out treatments in dentistry. Preventing and preserving the good development of the stomatognathic system of child ill with a view to good oral and general health over the life of the individual.
- Recognize, understand and control the behaviour of the child sick in order to get their cooperation during treatment.
- Troubleshoot failures.
- Develop a taste for research.
- What is Paediatric Dentistry.
- Anatomical and physiological characteristics of primary dentition.
- Materials used in conservative dentistry.
- Caries in the child patient.
- Analysis of the periodontium in primary dentition.
- Endodontic treatment in the child patient.
- Mixed dentition.
- Occlusion in primary and mixed dentition.
- Changes of odontogenesis.
- Radiographic examination in pediatric dentistry.
- Extraction of primary and young permanent teeth.
- Anesthesis in paediatric dentistry.
- Space maintainers, sick child psychology applied to the control of fear and anxiety.
- Changes of odontogenesis.
- Dental nomenclature, chronology of eruption and occlusion in primary and mixed dentition.
- Instruments and materials used in dentistry.
- Dentistry in paediatric dentistry.
- Crowns acetate and stainless steel.
- Space maintainers.
- Prevention in paediatric dentistry.
- Examination, diagnosis and treatment plan.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Universidade do Porto (2017) Textos escolhidos de Odontopediatria. 09/2017. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-84-615-7218-2.
- Bönecker M, Abanto J, Salete M, Pettorossi J, Guedes-Pinto A (2014) Problemas Bucales en Odontopediatría: Uniendo la Evidencia Científica a la Prática Clínica. 1st ed., Editorial Ripano SA. ISBN-13: 9788494260124.
- Boj JR, Catalá M, Garcia-Ballesta C, Mendoza A, Plannels P (Eds.) (2011) Odontopediatria – La evolución del niño al adulto joven. Ripano Editorial Médica.
- Bordoni N, Escobar A, Mercado RC (2011) Odontologia Pediátrica: La salud del niño y el adolescente en el mundo actual. Editorial Medica Panamericana. ISBN: 9789500601191.
- Nakata M & Wei SHY (1992) Guia oclusal em Odontopediatria. 1st ed., Actualidades Med. Odont. Latino- americanas.