
Paediatric Dentistry1


Course code:9548309

Irene Maria Ventura De Carvalho Ramos

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Understand what is pediatric dentistry.
  • Dealing with medical care and their implications.
  • Recognize the importance of public health and prevention.
  • Working in a team with different health professionals.
  • Make diagnoses, plan and carry out treatments in dentistry. Preventing and preserving the good development of the stomatognathic system of child ill with a view to good oral and general health over the life of the individual.
  • Recognize, understand and control the behaviour of the child sick in order to get their cooperation during treatment.
  • Troubleshoot failures.
  • Develop a taste for research.


  1. What is Paediatric Dentistry.
  2. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of primary dentition.
  3. Materials used in conservative dentistry.
  4. Caries in the child patient.
  5. Analysis of the periodontium in primary dentition.
  6. Endodontic treatment in the child patient.
  7. Mixed dentition.
  8. Occlusion in primary and mixed dentition.
  9. Changes of odontogenesis.
  10. Radiographic examination in pediatric dentistry.
  11. Extraction of primary and young permanent teeth.
  12. Anesthesis in paediatric dentistry.
  13. Space maintainers, sick child psychology applied to the control of fear and anxiety.
  14. Changes of odontogenesis.


  1. Dental nomenclature, chronology of eruption and occlusion in primary and mixed dentition.
  2. Instruments and materials used in dentistry.
  3. Dentistry in paediatric dentistry.
  4. Crowns acetate and stainless steel.
  5. Space maintainers.
  6. Prevention in paediatric dentistry.
  7. Examination, diagnosis and treatment plan.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Universidade do Porto (2017) Textos escolhidos de Odontopediatria. 09/2017. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-84-615-7218-2.
  • Bönecker M, Abanto J, Salete M, Pettorossi J, Guedes-Pinto A (2014) Problemas Bucales en Odontopediatría: Uniendo la Evidencia Científica a la Prática Clínica. 1st ed., Editorial Ripano SA. ISBN-13: 9788494260124.
  • Boj JR, Catalá M, Garcia-Ballesta C, Mendoza A, Plannels P (Eds.) (2011) Odontopediatria – La evolución del niño al adulto joven. Ripano Editorial Médica.
  • Bordoni N, Escobar A, Mercado RC (2011) Odontologia Pediátrica: La salud del niño y el adolescente en el mundo actual. Editorial Medica Panamericana. ISBN: 9789500601191.
  • Nakata M & Wei SHY (1992) Guia oclusal em Odontopediatria. 1st ed., Actualidades Med. Odont. Latino- americanas.