
Oral Anatomy and Dental Sculpture1

Anatomia Oral e Escultura Dentária

Course code:9548120

Eduardo Barros Fernandes

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This course, as it is the first contact with dentistry, seeks to transmit to the students the importance of anatomical knowledge in the future of returning missing teeth to patients and even the reconstruction and rebuilding of damaged or lost teeth. For this, all the anatomical, histological and physiological factors that comprise the stomatognathic system as a whole and on each tooth as part of the range, with respect to its constitution and functions as well as its integration throughout the body, such as posture will be covered. Know the best procedures from an evidence-based perspective

  1. In this course we will take into account the oral cavity, its constitution, limits and functions of its constituents.
  2. Space imitated by anatomical elements such as the tongue, glands, excretory canals and dental pieces.
  3. Mucosa, palate. Tonsillar pillars, teeth and lips.
  4. Jaw movements and their respective muscles
  5. ATM joint.
  6. Description of each tooth of different types of teeth.
  7. International nomenclature in identifying dental pieces and the quarters where they join.
  8. Teeth functions in particular and in global.
  9. Comparative anatomy of all dental groups.
  10. Chewing and chewing cycle.
Hands-on classes: A brief summary of the tooth that will be made on wax will be explained, also a draw from previous identification. There will be carved at least one tooth of each functional group, incisors, canines, pre - molars and upper and lower molars. Each tooth will be carved on a block of wax that will allow the students, respecting the anatomical knowledge of all the teeth, to do its preparation.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Ash, Jr.; Major, M. “Wheeler´s dental anatomy, physiology, and occlusion” [8ªedição],Saunders,2003 ISBN 0-7216-9382-2
  • Anusavice, K.J. "Phillip's Science of Dental Materials" (13ª Edição) W.B. Saunders Company, 2003 ISBN 0-7216-9387-3
  • Malone, W.F.P.; Koth, D.L. “Teoria e Prática de Prótese Fixa de Tylman” [8ª edição] Livraria Editora Artes Médicas Lda., 1990
  • Moreno, A. “Anatomofisiologia” Vol 1 Lisboa. ISEP Serviços e edições. 1983
  • Fernandes, B.; Polido, M. Apontamentos de Anatomia oral. Monte da Caparica – ISCSS .Cire estudos gráficos, 1997 ISBN 972-97286-0-7
  • Costa, A.P.C.; Farias, I.A.P.; Leite, D.F.B.M. “Anatomia e escultura Dental” 3ª edição Editora UFBP, João Pessoa, 2020