Forensic Sci.

Principles of Anatomy2

Anatomia Geral

Course code:8059117

José Francisco Fernandes da Cruz Grillo Evangelista

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This UC intends to impart an integrated knowledge of descriptive anatomy and functional anatomy. Thus, it has the following learning objectives (LO):

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of Musculoskeletal, with subheadings of osteology, and myology arthrology;
  2. Demonstrate knowledge nervous system, with subheadings central, peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system;
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of Splanchnology.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge about the interrelationship between structure, function and homeostasis.


  1. Osteology.
  2. Arthrology.
  3. Myology.
  4. Cardiovascular System (heart, arteries, veins, lymph).
  5. Respiratory System.
  6. Digestive System (digestive tube and accessory glands).
  7. Urogenital Systems.
  8. Peripheral Nervous System.
  9. Central Nervous System.
  10. Autonomic Nervous System.
  11. Sensory Organs.
  12. Endocrine Glands.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Santos JM, Cavacas A, Silva AJS, Zagalo C, Evangelista JG, Oliveira P & Tavares V (2011) Anatomia Geral – Moreno, 6th ed., Lisboa: Egas Moniz Publicações
  • Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M & Bannister LH (1995) Gray Anatomia, 37th ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
  • Sobotta J (1995) Atlas de Anatomia Humana, 21st ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
  • Netter FH (1998) Atlas de Anatomia Humana, 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artmed