Principles of Anatomy
Anatomia Geral
Course code:8059117
José Francisco Fernandes da Cruz Grillo Evangelista
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This UC intends to impart an integrated knowledge of descriptive anatomy and functional anatomy. Thus, it has the following learning objectives (LO):
- Demonstrate knowledge of Musculoskeletal, with subheadings of osteology, and myology arthrology;
- Demonstrate knowledge nervous system, with subheadings central, peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system;
- Demonstrate knowledge of Splanchnology.
- Demonstrate knowledge about the interrelationship between structure, function and homeostasis.
- Osteology.
- Arthrology.
- Myology.
- Cardiovascular System (heart, arteries, veins, lymph).
- Respiratory System.
- Digestive System (digestive tube and accessory glands).
- Urogenital Systems.
- Peripheral Nervous System.
- Central Nervous System.
- Autonomic Nervous System.
- Sensory Organs.
- Endocrine Glands.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Santos JM, Cavacas A, Silva AJS, Zagalo C, Evangelista JG, Oliveira P & Tavares V (2011) Anatomia Geral – Moreno, 6th ed., Lisboa: Egas Moniz Publicações
- Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M & Bannister LH (1995) Gray Anatomia, 37th ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
- Sobotta J (1995) Atlas de Anatomia Humana, 21st ed., Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
- Netter FH (1998) Atlas de Anatomia Humana, 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artmed