Quantitative Methods in Forensic Science
Métodos Quantitativos em Ciências Forenses
Course code:8059124
Luís Francisco Alexandrino Proença
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The unit's main goal is to provide students with basic formation in higher level mathematics, developing some of the fundamental concepts of data analysis, calculus and numerical methods.
The topics are addressed in an applied perspective, using practical examples from basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology) and forensic sciences fields. In this way, for the competence of interpretation, evaluation and presentation of evidence, in the field of forensic sciences, the learning objectives (LO) are:
- Know how to present, explain, interpret and compare forensic sciences data
- Know how to execute basic calculus operations applied to forensic sciences
- Know how to interpret and apply numerical methods in forensic sciences
- Representation and precision of numbers.
- Units of measurement and their conversion.
- Dimensional analysis.
- Error analysis.
- Formulae and equations. Algebraic manipulation. Powers and indices.
- Functions. Polynomial functions. Trigonometric functions.Exponential and logarithmic functions.
- Representing data using graphs. Fitting experimental data to functions.
- Differential calculus.
- Integral calculus.
- Numerical methods.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Adam C (2010) Essential Mathematics and Statistics for Forensic Science, Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-04-7074-253-2
- Azenha A & Jerónimo MA (1995) Elementos de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral em R e Rn, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-97-2829-803-6
- Stewart J (2009) Cálculo, Vol. I e II, 6th ed., Cengage Learning, São Paulo. ISBN: 978-85-2210-660-8 / 978-85-2210-661-5.