Forensic Sci.

Introduction to Law2

Introdução ao Direito

Course code:8059128

Jerónimo Joaquim Coelho Dos Santos Da Silva

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the course students should be able to frame the practical issues in the legal catalogue, understand the system of the legislation they have to resort to, hold basic knowledge of interpretation of the law, understand the evidence and expert functions in different legal environments and hold the knowledge that allows them to proceed with learning the law in the course.

Provide the students with:

  • The basic concepts of the legal science emphasising the Forensic and Criminal Sciences area.
  • The basic training for the monitoring of the courses other legal Curricular Units (hereinafter, CUs).
  • The approach to processes and methods of interpretation of the law.
  • An overview of the Portuguese legal system, unveiling the concept of State, its functions and organization, aiming to frame the intervention of forensic scientists in public (administrative and judicial) and private activities.
  • The contact with a general theory of proof, with a special emphasis on expert evidence.
  • The comprehension of the Judges role.

With regard to the competences to be acquired with the Introduction to Law CU, the specific learning objectives (LO) are:

  1. Express the interpretation of results in a manner comprehensible to the intended recipient such as lawyers or a jury;
  2. Demonstrate good oral and presentational skills that would enable the student to be understandable in a court of law
  3. Write comprehensive, comprehensible, rational and impartial reports
  4. Understand the requirements of continuity of evidence
  1. Notion of law.
  2. The rule of law.
  3. The legal relationship.
  4. Panoramic view over the Portuguese legal system.
  5. Ruling, evidence and truth.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Ascensão JO (2013) O Direito, Introdução e Teoria Geral, Almedina, 13th ed.
  • Consciência EH (2012) Breve Introdução ao Estudo do direito, Almedina
  • Justo AS (2015) Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, 7th ed., Coimbra Editora
  • Amaral DF (2014) Curso de Direito Administrativo, Vol. 1, Almedina