Forensic Sci.

Drugs of Abuse II2

Substâncias de Abuso II

Course code:8059221

Maria Edite da Silva Oliveira Torres

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The competencies of Interpretation, evaluation and presentation of the evidence as competence of laboratory analysis are presented as the learning objectives (LO), and are:

  1. To know how to explain the analytical techniques globally, to understand the parameters involved in the selection of the method and to know how to select an analytical strategy for a given scenario
  2. To analyze and discuss critically the possible techniques for laboratory analysis of substances of abuse
  3. Know how to use the computer software related to the equipment
  4. To be aware of the availability and know how to use databases that support the interpretation of analytical data related to the characteristics of substances of abuse
  5. To know the classification systems of substances of abuse as well as the neurochemical mechanisms that characterize the associated toxicological phenomena, namely those involving tolerance and dependency syndromes
  6. To acquire knowledge on international and national legislation applied to this subject
  1. Substances of abuse of the psychoanalytic group: origins, pharmacotoxicology, modes of action, consumption profiles and analytical methodologies for characterization.
  2. Substances of abuse of the group of psychodysleptics: origins, pharmacotoxicology, modes of action, consumption profiles and analytical methodologies for characterization.
  3. Synthetic and uncontrolled drugs, with widespread expression of increased consumption and strategies for their control.
  4. Introduction of fundamental concepts of Toxicology of drugs of abuse as complementary data to those of pharmacology previously taught.
  5. Importance of dose/response relationships, interactions, various types of tolerance and associated dependency profiles.
  6. Methodological knowledge of intervention, from the simple analytical approach of characterization and quantification in biological and / or solid samples, to the more complex methodologies of chemical characterization of drug batches (drug profiling).
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Karch BS, Drummer OH (2015) Karch’s Pathology of Drug Abuse. CRC Press. 5th Ed. ISBN: 978-1-43986-146-2
  • Karch SB (2007) Drug abuse handbook, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press. ISBN-13: 978-0-8493-1690-6
  • Karch BS (2008) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of abused drugs. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 13: 978-1-4200-5458-3
  • Jickells S & Nefrusz A (2008) Clarke’s analytical forensic toxicology, Pharmaceutical Press, London. ISBN: 9780853697053
  • Cole MD (2004) The Analysis of controlled substances, WileyBlackwell. ISBN-10: 0471492523