Forensic Sci.

Criminal Procedural Law 2

Direito Processual Penal

Curse code:8059327

José Braz

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This CU aims at a comprehensive understanding of Criminal Procedure Law (DPP) and the Justice system for the performance in the forensic and criminal area with respect to the Portuguese criminal procedure model and its operation, particularly in the field of the investigation, during the production of evidence. Thus the specific learning objectives (LO) are:

  • Meet the fundamental principles and main rules of the Portuguese penal process;
  • Produce, interpret, evaluate and present forensic evidence in accordance with the principles, rules, limits and prohibitions of the penal process;
  • Meet, characterize and distinguish the role, status and competence of each subject of procedure;
  • Uunderstand and characterize the criminal justice system and the various institutions that integrate, respective responsibilities and powers;
  • Know how to present and interpret results through a legal discourse understandable to the recipient.
  1. PC1 Introduction and legal-historical contextualization.
  2. PC2 The DPP as an adjective branch of Law. Description.
  3. PC3 Procedural systems and models.
  4. PC4 Portuguese criminal procedural system, its evolution and characterization.
  5. PC5 Fundamental principles of Portuguese criminal proceedings:
  6. PC6 Procedural subjects.
  7. PC7 Forms and stages of the process.
  8. PC8 Approves/Evidences
  9. PC9 Chain of custody of evidence.
  10. PC10 Vices of proof, nullities and prohibitions of proof.
  11. PC11 Measures of coercion.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Andrade MC (2006) Sobre as proibições de prova em processo penal (reimpressão). Coimbra Ed. Coimbra.
  • Antunes MJ (2017) Direito Processual Penal. Ed. Almedina. Coimbra.
  • Braz J (2015) Ciência Tecnologia e Investigação Criminal. Ed. Almedina. Coimbra.
  • Braz J (2016) Investigação Criminal - Os desafios da nova criminalidade (3ª Edição). Ed. Almedina, Coimbra.
  • Valente MG (2004) Regime jurídico da investigação criminal (2ª edição).Ed. Almedina. Coimbra.