Food Chemical Toxicology
Métodos de Análise Toxicológica em Alimentos
Course code:8059303
Luísa Maria Lima Gonçalves
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Describe the main classes of toxic agents
- List the differences between contamination, alteration, adulteration and food fraud
- Give examples of intentional food contamination
- To describe the mechanisms of toxicity induced by the toxic agents studied
- Be able to collect, record, analyze, interpret and report analytical data, namely
- To know the necessary requirements needed for sample preparation, particularly to the methods used in the separation and/or purification of complex mixtures
- Understand the function and practice of quality assurance
- Know how to analyze and discuss critically the possible techniques for laboratory analysis of substances commonly found in foods
- Demonstrate competence in operating a variety of modern analytical instruments and be familiar with the use of related computer software.
- Demonstrate competence in the correct interpretation of analytical results.
- Introduction to food toxicology.
- Introduction to Food Fraud and Food Defence
- Food toxicology.
- General aspects of Toxicological Analysis of Foods
- Chemical Contaminants
- Biological Contaminants
Suggested Bibliography:
- Gilbert J & Senyuva HZ (2008) Bioactive Compounds in Foods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-1-4051-5875-6
- Gilbert J (1997) Progress in Food Contaminant Analysis, Blackie Academic & Professional, Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN:0 7514 0337 7
- Flanagan RJ, Taylor AA, Watson ID & Whelpton R (2007) Fundamentals of analytical toxicology, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England. ISBN: 978-0-470-31934-5
- Desphande SS (2002) Handbook of Food Toxicology, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. ISBN: 0-203-908996-1