Forensic Sci.

Food Chemical Toxicology2

Métodos de Análise Toxicológica em Alimentos

Course code:8059303

Luísa Maria Lima Gonçalves

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  1. Describe the main classes of toxic agents
    1. List the differences between contamination, alteration, adulteration and food fraud
    2. Give examples of intentional food contamination
  2. To describe the mechanisms of toxicity induced by the toxic agents studied
  3. Be able to collect, record, analyze, interpret and report analytical data, namely
    1. To know the necessary requirements needed for sample preparation, particularly to the methods used in the separation and/or purification of complex mixtures
    2. Understand the function and practice of quality assurance
    3. Know how to analyze and discuss critically the possible techniques for laboratory analysis of substances commonly found in foods
    4. Demonstrate competence in operating a variety of modern analytical instruments and be familiar with the use of related computer software.
    5. Demonstrate competence in the correct interpretation of analytical results.
  1. Introduction to food toxicology.
  2. Introduction to Food Fraud and Food Defence
  3. Food toxicology.
    1. General aspects of Toxicological Analysis of Foods
    2. Chemical Contaminants
    3. Biological Contaminants
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Gilbert J & Senyuva HZ (2008) Bioactive Compounds in Foods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-1-4051-5875-6
  • Gilbert J (1997) Progress in Food Contaminant Analysis, Blackie Academic & Professional, Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN:0 7514 0337 7
  • Flanagan RJ, Taylor AA, Watson ID & Whelpton R (2007) Fundamentals of analytical toxicology, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England. ISBN: 978-0-470-31934-5
  • Desphande SS (2002) Handbook of Food Toxicology, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. ISBN: 0-203-908996-1