
Health Psychology2

Psicologia da Saúde

Course code:9500121

Ana Cristina Cardoso das Neves

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the CU, the student should be able to:

  • Understand the need of Health Psychology for the development of nursing practice.
  • Identify the main theoretical models of communication in health contexts.
  • Demonstrate communicational skills of nurses when applied to the daily life of their practices (communicate with consistency, relevant, correct and comprehensible information).
  • Use teaching strategies to the patient and self-prevention of Health and Well-Being.
  • Demonstrate knowledge, attitudes and professional behaviours that facilitate effective interaction with patients, family members and health professionals, respecting the values, customs, spiritual beliefs and practices of individuals and groups.
  • Simulate model situations of a virtual nursing procedure, in order to face the barriers of communication that are installed in the contact with the patient.
  • Design projects for health education, health promotion and disease prevention.
  • To value research in Health Psychology and its contribution to the development and improvement of nursing care.
  1. Health Psychology.
  2. The Health Concept.
  3. Health Assessment.
  4. Psychological approaches to pain and suffering.
  5. The patient in the context of health systems.
  6. Social patient Representation.
  7. The information given in Health Contexts.
  8. The importance of communication in the Health Professions.
  9. Interpersonal relationship Nurse - Sick.
  10. Communication skills in the Health Professions.
  11. Determinants of healthy behavior.
  12. Health Promotion Strategies.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Bennet P & Murphy S (1999). Psicologia e Promoção da Saúde. Lisboa: CLIMEPSI.
  • Carapinheiro G (1993). Saberes e Poderes no Hospital. Uma Sociologia dos Serviços Hospitalares. Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento.
  • Dias MR (2005). A Esmeralda Perdida: A informação prestada ao doente oncológico. Lisboa: CLIMEPSI.
  • Maibach E & Parrot RL (1995). Designing Health Messages. Approaches from Communication Theory and Public Health Practice.London: SAGE.
  • Mota Cardoso R (Ed.) (2012). Competências Clínicas de Comunicação. Porto: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.