Health Psychology
Psicologia da Saúde
Course code:9500121
Ana Cristina Cardoso das Neves
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
At the end of the CU, the student should be able to:
- Understand the need of Health Psychology for the development of nursing practice.
- Identify the main theoretical models of communication in health contexts.
- Demonstrate communicational skills of nurses when applied to the daily life of their practices (communicate with consistency, relevant, correct and comprehensible information).
- Use teaching strategies to the patient and self-prevention of Health and Well-Being.
- Demonstrate knowledge, attitudes and professional behaviours that facilitate effective interaction with patients, family members and health professionals, respecting the values, customs, spiritual beliefs and practices of individuals and groups.
- Simulate model situations of a virtual nursing procedure, in order to face the barriers of communication that are installed in the contact with the patient.
- Design projects for health education, health promotion and disease prevention.
- To value research in Health Psychology and its contribution to the development and improvement of nursing care.
- Health Psychology.
- The Health Concept.
- Health Assessment.
- Psychological approaches to pain and suffering.
- The patient in the context of health systems.
- Social patient Representation.
- The information given in Health Contexts.
- The importance of communication in the Health Professions.
- Interpersonal relationship Nurse - Sick.
- Communication skills in the Health Professions.
- Determinants of healthy behavior.
- Health Promotion Strategies.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Bennet P & Murphy S (1999). Psicologia e Promoção da Saúde. Lisboa: CLIMEPSI.
- Carapinheiro G (1993). Saberes e Poderes no Hospital. Uma Sociologia dos Serviços Hospitalares. Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento.
- Dias MR (2005). A Esmeralda Perdida: A informação prestada ao doente oncológico. Lisboa: CLIMEPSI.
- Maibach E & Parrot RL (1995). Designing Health Messages. Approaches from Communication Theory and Public Health Practice.London: SAGE.
- Mota Cardoso R (Ed.) (2012). Competências Clínicas de Comunicação. Porto: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.