1st cycle of studies in Nutrition

History and Sociology of Food3

História e Sociologia da Alimentação

Curse code:9554104

Maria Leonor Tavares da Silva

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This curricular unit aims to give students the basic knowledge about the humanization of feeding behaviors, food relation with health, social function of food and food strategies in different historical ages.
It also offerst to the students their first contact with cookery, pushing them to prepare typical meals of different historical periods, subject to their critical analysis, taking into account the food resources supply, social and economical conditions prevalent in those periods.



  1. Food functions: biological and social. The role played by cookery and its importance in nutrition science.
  2. Food strategies during prehistoric period. Food and beverages in Egypt Greece and Rome.
  3. Hebrews food rules. Feeding and medicine in old world.
  4. Food business in Middle Age. Condiments and gastronomy during XIV, XV and XVI centuries. From dietetics to gastronomy. Origin and development of restaurants.
  5. Food industry and the new techniques of food preservation. Dietetics and gastronomy in American way of life. “Macdonnalization” of customary behavior. Future prediction.
Lab practical classes:
The Mediterranean diet.
Food and culinary practices of antique civilizations.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Fischer CL (2001) L'Homnivore, Éditions Odile Jacob, Paris

Additional Info

  • Institution/School: Institution/School