Curse code:9554301
Luís Francisco Alexandrino Proença
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Formulate statistical hypotheses.
- Select and apply appropriate statistical methods based on data and problem characteristics.
- Interpret, discuss and recognize the limitations of statistical results.
- Correctly synthesize statistical information of various types.
- Understand and apply concepts of descriptive statistics and inferential statistical methods.
- Critically select the most appropriate statistical procedures and interpret the obtained results.
- Use specific software packages to perform statistical analysis.
Data organization.
Fundamental concepts in statistics.
Understanding inferential statistics. - DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS
Sample statistics.
Descriptive measures (location, dispersion and shape).
Variables crossing / association.
Homogeneity and independence.
Tests for adjustment and association.
Correlation analysis. - ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS
Random variables.
Probability distributions.
Estimators and estimation.
Confidence intervals. - HYPOTHESIS TESTING
Methodology of statistical analysis (assumptions, applicability conditions, test statistics, decision, errors.
Parametric tests.
Validation of assumptions.
Parametric analysis for one, two or more samples.
Nonparametric tests.
Non-parametric analysis for two or more independent and paired samples. - REGRESSION ANALYSIS
Linear regression.
Quality of model adjustment.
Inference for the linear regression model.
Other regression models.
Statistical designs for research.
Statistical analysis methodologies.
Applications examples.
Practical classes:
Resolution of practical examples of data management, organization and statistical analysis by using specific software packages.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Callegari-Jacques SM (2003) Bioestatística: Princípios e Aplicações, Artmed. ISBN: 9788536300924
- Dawson B & Trapp RG (2004) Bioestatística Básica e Clínica, McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9788586804328
- Marôco J (2011) Análise Estatística com o SPSS Statistics, ReportNumber. ISBN: 9789899676329
- Díaz FR & López FJB (2006) Bioestatística, Thomson Pioneira. ISBN: 8522105391
Additional Info
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