Food Systems and Health
Sistemas Alimentares e Saúde
Curse code:9554313
Madalena Bettencourt da Câmara
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This CU aims to provide the acquisition of knowledge and technical skills related to food production and food supply systems for populations, namely with regard to the reduction of food waste, and food processing, with emphasis on the impact of conservation/preservation technologies in the compositional, nutritional and sensory quality of food products. Special emphasis is given to the quality of raw materials and the analysis of food / health relationships. At the end of the course, the student should be able to: identify and distinguish the different production systems covered; understand the problem of food waste and be able to propose actions to minimize it; understand the relevance of the quality of raw materials in the final product and understand the relationships between food systems / food / health.
- Primary Production. Agriculture, viniculture, fruits and trees, forage and meadows. Animal production – Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry. Concepts – biologic and organic production versus conventional.
- Food technologies in food products:
Dairy: milk, yoghurt and cheese.
Meat products: ham, cold cuts and others. Impact in nutritive value and health.
Bread, cereals and cereal products. Cereal processing and impact in its nutritive value.
Juices, soft drinks and non alcoholic drinks. Characteristics, production fluxogram and impact in nutritive value.
Dietary fats products such as vegetable spreads and butter. - Food preservation technologies (thermal treatments and emerging technologies in food preserving).
Suggested Bibliography:
- Pace M & Parker R (2016) Introduction to Food Science and Food systems. 2nd Edition. Delmar Cengage Learning. ISBN 143548939X
- Galanakis CM (2018) Sustainable food systems from agriculture to industry: improving production and processing. Ed. London : Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128119358
- Lawrence M, Friel S (2020) Healthy and sustainable food systems. Ed.London: Routlegde. ISBN: 9780815393276
- Chaurasia A, Hawksworth DL, Miranda MP (2021) GMOs: implications for biodiversity conservation and ecological processes. Ed. Cham [switzerland]: Springer. ISBN: 9783030531829
- Gordon IJ, Prins, HHT, Squire GR (2017) Food Production and Nature Conservation: Conflicts and Solutions. Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-85939-5
Additional Info
Related items
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- Nutrition
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- Internship
- Training in Nutrition
- Academic Calendar IUEM
- General Pathology
- Food Toxicology
- Food supplements
- Public health
- Sports Nutrition
- Food Microbiology
- General Microbiology
- Food Processing
- General Physiology
- Pharmacology applied to Nutrition Sciences
- Metabolic Biochemistry II
- General Biochemistry
- Assessment of food intake
- Food and Human Nutrition II
- Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Introduction to Research Methodology
- Ethics and Professional Deontology
- Nutritional Epidemiology
- Food Policy
- Food Services and Catering Management
- Pathology and Diet Therapy II
- Legislation, Regulation and Quality Control
- Pathology and Diet Therapy I
- Community Nutrition
- Fieldwork
- Psychology
- Pediatric Nutrition
- Food Safety and Hygiene
- Biostatistics
- Food Biochemistry
- Applied Physiology
- Immunology
- Genetics
- Metabolic Biochemistry I
- Bromatology
- Functional Anatomy
- Histology
- History and Sociology of Food
- Principles of Biological Chemistry
- Acordos Bilaterais
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Biomedical Lab Sci.
- 1st cycle in Psychology
- 1st cycle in Nutrition