Biochemistry I
Bioquímica I
Course code:9494122
Alexandre Luís De Matos Botica Côrtes Quintas
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The main purpose of the Biochemistry course is to provide to the students the fundamental knowledge of the structure and the function of the biological molecules and the metabolic flux of these molecules in the living beings. Due to the nature of this degree, an introduction to Xenobiochemistry is part of the course. In addition, the practical nature of the Biochemistry course demands strong practical laboratorial skills. In the practical classes of this course the students develop strong laboratorial skills. Along with that it is intended that the students develop critical scientific thinking reading scientific articles.
The logic of life.
Amino acids and peptides.
Introduction to proteins.
The 3D structure of proteins.
Structure/function relationship in proteins.
Evolution of structure, function and protein folding.
Enzymes, mechanisms enzymatic catalysis, and allosteric inhibition.
Introduction to xenobiochemistry.
Structure-function of carbohydrates.
Nucleotides and nucleic acids.
Lipids and biological membranes. - BIOENERGETICS AND METABOLISM
Bioenergetics and oxidative metabolism.
Glycolysis and hexoses catabolism of pentose phosphates pathway.
The citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation.
Fatty acid oxidation, amino acids oxidation, nitrogen bases and urea cycle.
Biosynthesis: carbohydrates biosynthesis; lipids biosynthesis; amino acids and nitrogenous bases biosynthesis.
Metabolism integration: control and regulation of metabolism.
Metabolism Integration. Introduction to xenobiochemistry.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Quintas, Ponces e Halpern (2008) Bioquímica: A organização estrutural da vida, Lidel, Lisboa.
- Nelson DL & Cox MM (2012) Lehninger. Principles of Biochemistry. 5th ed., W H Freeman & Co. ISBN-10: 9781429234146.