
1Hospital Pharmacy

Farmácia Hospitalar

Course code:9494527

Nadine de Jesus Pinto Ribeiro Ferrão Gonçalves

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This CU aims to advance the student in the practice of hospital pharmacy, integrating skills with knowledge to enable the pharmacist to take responsibility for patients' medicines management in the hospital care setting.
Other knowledges, abilities and skills to be acquired include:

  • Development of hospital pharmacy services
  • Integration drug use studies results in the selection of drugs (effectiveness, safety, and cost-effectiveness).
  • Collaboration in programs to detect, notify, resolve and prevent adverse drug reactions
  • Understanding and applying the principles of pharmacokinetics in the individualization of the dosage regimen
  • Acquisition of necessary tools for the practice of pharmaceutical care
  • Acquisition of a critical and analytical attitude to the detection and resolution of pharmacotherapeutic problems affecting each hospital patient
  1. Management of Hospital Pharmaceutical Services
    Human and logistical resources
    Activity areas
  2. Selection of drugs
    Drug formularies
    Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
  3. Drug Therapy Monitoring
    Pharmacist Interventions
    Medication-use evaluation
  4. Management of Other Pharmaceutical Products
  5. Pharmacovigilance
  6. Risk management
    LASA drugs and High Alert Medications
    Medication reconciliation
  7. Clinical pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenetics
  8. Pharmaceutical Care in special populations
    Neonatology and Pediatrics
  9. Pharmacist intervention in Surgery patients
    Pain and sedation / anesthesia
    Nosocomial infection
  10. Pharmacist intervention in ICUs patients
    Fluid therapy and electrolyte balance
    Artificial nutrition
  11. Oncological Pharmacy Activities
  12. Pharmacist intervention in hospital outpatient
    HIV infection and its treatment
    HBV infection and its treatment
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Bruton L, Chabner B, Knoliman B (2011) Goodman & Gilman´s The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition, McGraw-Hill
  • Walker R., Edwards, C. (2011). Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 5th ed., Churchill Livingstone
  • Koda-Kimble MA, Young LY, Alldredge BK, Corelli RL, Guglielmo BJ, Kradjan WA, Williams BR (2009) Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs. 9th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • Sociedade Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria, Farmacia Hospitalaria, 2ª Ed., Glaxo
  • Ministério da Saúde - Conselho Executivo da Farmácia Hospitalar: Manual da Farmácia Hospitalar, 2005, in