
1Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

Farmacognosia e Fitoterapia

Course code:9494223

Ana Clara Guerreiro de Oliveira Ribeiro

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The student should know:

  • The general aspects of drugs of natural origin, with interest in therapeutics or for production of medicines.
  • Frame secondary metabolites in chemical groups and in biogenetic source lines.
  • Identify medicinal plants and phytomedicines according to their specific uses, toxicity and likely interactions with other medicinal products.
  • Analyze natural compounds taking into account the quality control procedures of medicinal plants and the preparations based thereon.


  1. The importance of natural products in modern therapeutics.
  2. Main uses of plants and their extracts.
  3. Quality criteria of medicinal plants and their extracts.
  4. Classes of active principles and their properties.
Practical classes:
Identification and extraction of different products of plant origin described in the Portuguese and European Pharmacopoeia (macro and microscopic characteristics).
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Heinrich M, Barnes J, Prieto-Garcia J, Gibbons S, Williamson E (2018) Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. 3rd ed., Elsevir. ISBN: 9780702070082.
  • Proença da Cunha A (2006) Farmacognosia e Fitoquímica. 1st ed., Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 9789723111422.
  • Proença da Cunha A, Silva AP, Costa MC, Roque OR, Proença da Cunha H, Portugal MP (2017) Manual de Plantas Medicinais. 10th ed., Dinalivro. ISBN: 9789725766637.
  • Farmacopeia Portuguesa IX (2008), Edição Oficial Digital Infarmed (Disponibilização junto da biblioteca e computadores sala de aula e alunos)