Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
Farmacognosia e Fitoterapia
Course code:9494223
Ana Clara Guerreiro de Oliveira Ribeiro
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The student should know:
- The general aspects of drugs of natural origin, with interest in therapeutics or for production of medicines.
- Frame secondary metabolites in chemical groups and in biogenetic source lines.
- Identify medicinal plants and phytomedicines according to their specific uses, toxicity and likely interactions with other medicinal products.
- Analyze natural compounds taking into account the quality control procedures of medicinal plants and the preparations based thereon.
- The importance of natural products in modern therapeutics.
- Main uses of plants and their extracts.
- Quality criteria of medicinal plants and their extracts.
- Classes of active principles and their properties.
Practical classes:
Identification and extraction of different products of plant origin described in the Portuguese and European Pharmacopoeia (macro and microscopic characteristics).
Suggested Bibliography:
- Heinrich M, Barnes J, Prieto-Garcia J, Gibbons S, Williamson E (2018) Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. 3rd ed., Elsevir. ISBN: 9780702070082.
- Proença da Cunha A (2006) Farmacognosia e Fitoquímica. 1st ed., Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 9789723111422.
- Proença da Cunha A, Silva AP, Costa MC, Roque OR, Proença da Cunha H, Portugal MP (2017) Manual de Plantas Medicinais. 10th ed., Dinalivro. ISBN: 9789725766637.
- Farmacopeia Portuguesa IX (2008), Edição Oficial Digital Infarmed (Disponibilização junto da biblioteca e computadores sala de aula e alunos)