Pharmacy Practice
Serviços Farmacêuticos
Course code:9494439
Filipa da Palma Carlos Alves da Costa Azevedo e Silva
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The objective of the curricular unit is to provide students with the required competencies to implement in the field services foreseen by Decree 1429/2007, with a special focus in those areas not covered by other compulsory curricular units, namely the provision of patient-centered services and therapeutic management, i.e., pharmaceutical care and medication review, administration of medicines (vaccines and injectables), the provision of first-aid and the treatment of wounds.
It is aimed that through this curricular unit, with a strong practical component, students become competent to implement these services in their future life.
The new demands of the profession require the provision of pharmaceutical services, including:
- Community-based services, which include all services intended for the community where the pharmacy is located with no special need for individualization of care provided (e.g. first aid).
- Individualized essential services: tailored to the individual needs, but not requiring pharmacotherapy differentiation (e.g. check-point)
- Individualized advanced services: provided individually and demanding high pharmacotherapy differentiation (e.g. pharmaceutical care) or skilled training (e.g. administration of vaccines)
Suggested Bibliography:
- Cipolle RJ, Strand LM, Morley PC (2012) Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Patient-Centered Approach to Medication Management. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 978-0071756389
- Costa VM & Alvarez-Risco(2018) The Pharmacist guide to the implementation of Pharmaceutical care. Springer Editions. ISBN to be assigned
- Francis SA, Smith F, Malkinson J, Constanti A, Taylor K (2015) Integrated Pharmacy Case Studies. 1st ed. Pharmaceutical Press. ISBN 978 0 85369 884 5
- Plácido & Guerreiro (2015) Administração de vacinas e medicamentos injetáveis por farmacêuticos. Uma abordagem prática. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos. ISBN 978-989-98069-5-5
- Rosales S (2000) Manual de Primeiros Socorros e prevenção de grandes catástrofes e terramotos. Dinalivro, Cultural SA, pp 309-444. ISBN 84-8055-393-6.