
1Pharmacy Practice

Serviços Farmacêuticos

Course code:9494439

Filipa da Palma Carlos Alves da Costa Azevedo e Silva

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The objective of the curricular unit is to provide students with the required competencies to implement in the field services foreseen by Decree 1429/2007, with a special focus in those areas not covered by other compulsory curricular units, namely the provision of patient-centered services and therapeutic management, i.e., pharmaceutical care and medication review, administration of medicines (vaccines and injectables), the provision of first-aid and the treatment of wounds.
It is aimed that through this curricular unit, with a strong practical component, students become competent to implement these services in their future life.


The new demands of the profession require the provision of pharmaceutical services, including:

  1. Community-based services, which include all services intended for the community where the pharmacy is located with no special need for individualization of care provided (e.g. first aid).
  2. Individualized essential services: tailored to the individual needs, but not requiring pharmacotherapy differentiation (e.g. check-point)
  3. Individualized advanced services: provided individually and demanding high pharmacotherapy differentiation (e.g. pharmaceutical care) or skilled training (e.g. administration of vaccines)
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Cipolle RJ, Strand LM, Morley PC (2012) Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Patient-Centered Approach to Medication Management. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 978-0071756389
  • Costa VM & Alvarez-Risco(2018) The Pharmacist guide to the implementation of Pharmaceutical care. Springer Editions. ISBN to be assigned
  • Francis SA, Smith F, Malkinson J, Constanti A, Taylor K (2015) Integrated Pharmacy Case Studies. 1st ed. Pharmaceutical Press. ISBN 978 0 85369 884 5
  • Plácido & Guerreiro (2015) Administração de vacinas e medicamentos injetáveis por farmacêuticos. Uma abordagem prática. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos. ISBN 978-989-98069-5-5
  • Rosales S (2000) Manual de Primeiros Socorros e prevenção de grandes catástrofes e terramotos. Dinalivro, Cultural SA, pp 309-444. ISBN 84-8055-393-6.