Physical Chemical Principles in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Princípios Físicoquímicos em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Course code:9494121
Margarida Maria de Mesquita Cabral de Moncada
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The main objective of this course (UC) is to provide knowledge about basic principles of physics and chemistry with application in the area of the pharmaceutical sciences. It is intended to develop the student’s capacity of analysis, synthesis and integration of knowledge, stimulating the reasoning and critical thinking to solve new situations.
Students who complete the course will be able to:
- Predict the behavior of gases.
- Understand the influence of intermolecular forces on various properties of the compounds.
- Estimate physical properties of solutions.
- Use concepts of thermodynamics in the study of chemical equilibria.
- Solve problems of chemical kinetics.
- Acquire essential knowledge about static, dynamic and rheology of fluids, as well as on the main radiations used for biomedical applications.
The study of chemical bonding is essential for understanding the intermolecular forces.
- Fluid mechanics.
- Radiation.
- States of matter and properties of gases.
- Chemical kinetics.
- Thermodynamics.
- Chemical bonding.
- Intermolecular forces.
- Physical properties of solutions.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Chang R (2010) Chemistry. 10th ed., McGraw Hill
- Atkins P & Paula J (2011) Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences. 2nd ed., Oxford UP
- Hallett FR, Hunt JL, McFarland EL, Runningen GH, Stinson RH, Sullivan DE (2003) Physics for the biological sciences: a topical approach to biophysical concepts. 4th ed. Thompson-Nelson
- Atkins P & Paula J (2013) Chimie Physique. 4e Édition, ISBN-10: 2804166511
- Atkins P & Jones L (2010) Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight. 5st Edition W.H. Freeman and Company New York. ISBN-13:978-1-4292-1955-6