
1Soft Skills

Competências pessoais

Course code:9494116

Maria Clara de Sá Morais Rodrigues Carneiro Veríssimo

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Recent research highlight the need for higher levels of competence for the jobs of the future, being fundamental the adaptation and interconnection between education and training and the world of work. The Soft Skills required by businesses today refer to a set of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a valuable team member. Students need to develop, stimulate and improve their clusters of personal, methodological and social skills. Thus, the main objectives of this course are:

  • Teach / encourage social, methodological and personal skills to the undergraduate level.
  • Attending to the need and supply of soft skills to improve the quality of education for students, and provide recent graduates who are already aligned with the requirements of the labour market for businesses.
  • Application of soft skills in role plays to train some of the identified social skills and more.

Soft Skills that will be developed and worked throughout the semester:

  1. Managing an ethical and positive attitude.
  2. Effective management of communication (face to face, written and through social media).
  3. Acting as a player in the team.
  4. Techniques for a presentation with impact.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Greene, JO & Burleson BR (2009) Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills. New York, Routledge. ISBN: 0-8058-3417-6
  • Schaffer, HR (1996) Social Development. Oxford, Blackwell. ISBN: 0-631-18573-9
  • Lloyd, SR (2011) Desenvolvimento em Assertividade: Técnicas Práticas para o Sucesso Pessoal. Trad Rui Loureiro (Developing positive assertiveness: pratical tecnhiques for personal sucess). Lisboa, Monitor Projectos e Edições. ISBN: 972-9413-19-3