Musculoskeletal Pathology
Patologia Músculo Esquelética
Course code:9504203
Mário Manuel Tavares Tapadinhas
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
At the end of the course the student should have the ability to:
- Know and understand the concepts and theoretical principles of orthopedics and rheumatology, relevant in the clinical practice of physiotherapy;
- Know and understand the main clinical pictures of orthopedic, traumatology, Rheumatologic and musculoskeletal disorders, relevant in the physiotherapy clinical practice;
- Know and understand medical and surgical intervention in orthopedic, traumatology, rheumatologic and musculoskeletal disorders, and their implications in the evaluation of physical therapy;
- Identify in a correct way the specific needs of the patient with pathology of the muscle and skeleton system taking into account the socio-economic, labor and family contexts, with a perspective of reintegration into the activities of daily life, work and social environment;
- Select prevention strategies in the different pathologies as opposed to their conventional therapy;
- Develop critical and autonomous thinking in order to identify intervention objectives in the various pathologies within the physiotherapist.
The curricular unit Muscle and Skeleton Pathology intends to approach the main pathologies of the muscle and skeleton system, proposing to the pupil an integrated knowledge of this type of pathologies, looking for the role of the Physiotherapist in the multidisciplinary team that treats the patients. At the end of the curricular unit students will have to be apt:
- To describe the main pathologies of the muscle and skeleton system:
- the fractures in adults, and in children
- the degenerative pathology
- the pathology most frequent in the child, the congenital hip luxation, Perthes disease and clubfoot
- the main bone tumors
- infections
- the rheumatologic pathology
- the bone metabolic diseases
- Osteoporosis
- Paget disease, Osteomalacea
- the systemic rheumatologic diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, System Lupus, Ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Inflammatory diseases of the Muscle, systemic sclerosis;
- Idiopathic juvenile arthritis
- chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia
- sports traumatology; occupational diseases
- To identify the objectives of the treatment of some pathologies and the objectives intended with the intervention of the physiotherapist in the respective area.
- Clinic of the muscle and skeleton system
- Basic concepts of Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Fractures and repairing
- Fractures of the upper limb
- Degenerative pathology of the upper limb
- Fractures of the lower limb
- Degenerative pathology of the lower limb
- Fractures of the vertebral column
- Pediatric Orthopedics.
- Pediatric traumatology
- Fractures in children
- Bone tumors
- Infections
- Sports traumatology
- Occupational diseases
- Basic concepts of Rheumatology
- Metabolic bone diseases
- Rheumatologic diseases
- Idiopathic juvenile arthritis; chronic pain syndrome
Suggested Bibliography:
- Serra LA (2012). Critérios Fundamentais em Fracturas e Ortopedia. 3rd ed., Lidel, Ed. Técnicas.
- Pinheiro JP (2006) Reabilitação das Lesões no Desporto. Editorial Caminho
- Kapandji IA (2001, 2007) Fisiologia Articular. 6th ed., Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Nova Guanabara
- Perry C, Elstrom J, Pankovich A (2005) The Handbook of Fractures. McGraw-Hill.
- Turek S (2005) Orthopaedics, Principles and their application. 6th ed., Lippincott Company
- Bucholz RW, Heckman JD, Court-Brown CM, Tornetta III P (2009) Rockwood and Green's Fractures in Adults. 17th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins