
Physiotherapy Equipment and Technology II2

Equipamentos e Tecnologias em Fisioterapia II

Course code:9504120

João Paulo Brites de Sousa

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The curricular unit aims to provide students with basic knowledge of the use of surface electromyography (sEMG) and interpretation of the results in human movement analysis and clinical intervention skills. The focus is directed to the different procedures and collection methods and the types of application in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Specific objectives include:
  • Identify experimental applications of sEMG in physiotherapy
  • Know the basic procedures of application of sEMG, signal processing
  • Plan experimental procedures an autonomically perform data collection of sEMG in major muscle groups
  • Enable students to Interpret the results of signal processing , facilitating the transposition into the clinical practice of physical therapist

The curricular unit also aims to provide students with knowledge about the intervention in temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD).

Specific objectives include:
  • Describe the anatomy and biomechanics of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Describe and analyze systems of postural evaluation
  • Define/classify TMD and understand its multifactorial etiology
  • Understand the relationship between TMD and cervical spine, posture, breathing, myofascial pain syndrome and sleep disorders
  • Perform the clinical evaluation in patients with TMD
  • Describe, apply correctly and safely the different techniques of intervention of physiotherapy in TMD
  • Describe methods of muscle reprogramming
  1. Muscular contractions and characteristics of motor units
  2. Neuromuscular function and electromyographic studies
  3. Muscle tone and its representation in sEMG record
  4. Types of muscle contraction and differentiation in sEMG record
  5. Electrodes selection for kinesiological analysis
  6. Electromyographic signal amplitude and frequency
  7. Relationship between strength and sEMG
  8. Muscle fatigue and sEMG
  9. Muscle activation and sEMG
  10. Agonist/antagonist relationship and sEMG
  11. Clinical Applications of sEMG
  12. Anatomy and biomechanics of TMJ
  13. Normal and pathological body posture
  14. Posture assessment systems Computerized postural evaluation
  15. DTM: Definition. Multifactorial etiology; Muscle and Joint Disorders; Parafunctions of stomatological system; Diagnostic Criteria; Dynamic relationship between cervical spine and TMD
  16. Relationship between TMD and posture
  17. Relationship between TMD and breathing
  18. Relationship between TMD and myofascial pain syndrome
  19. Relationship between orofacial pain and sleep disorders (Bruxism)
  20. Clinical applications of sEMG and evaluation of TMD and Bruxism
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Criswell E (2010) Introduction to Surface Electromyography. 2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Pubishers. ISBN–13: 978-0763732745
  • Kamen G, Gabriel D (2009) Essentials of Electromyography. 1st ed., Human Kinetics. ISBN–13: 978-0736067126
  • Leis AA, Trapani VC (2000) Atlas of Electromyography. 1st ed., Oxford University Press. ISBN-13: 978-0195112504
  • Barbosa VC & Barbosa FS (2009) Fisioterapia nas disfunções temporomandibulares. Phorte editora: Brasil
  • Okeson J (2013) Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion. 7th ed., Elsivier: USA.
  • Olson K (2015) Manual physical therapy of the spine. 2nd ed., Elsivier: USA.
  • Tenreiro M & Santos R (2011) Terapia Manual nas disfunções da ATM. Rubio: Brasil