Forensic Chemistry II
Química Forense II
Course code:8059120
Paula Manuela Lopes Correia Da Silva
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This curricular unit has the main purpose to implement and to develop abilities in the following areas:
- Concept of acidity and basicity in organic compounds and familiarization with the 3 dimensions of organic compounds, Stereochemistry, based on the hybridization of the carbon.
- To familiarize with the use of formulas, basic structures, nomenclature and concepts in the domain of Organic Chemistry.
- To recognize the importance, in a given molecule, of the role and distribution of the electrons that can intervene in the organic reactions.
- To learn to recognize and to classify the main types of reactions.
- To understand and be are able to predict and to classify the chemical behaviour of compounds of the more representative organic functions.
- To get a basic formation on thermodynamics, thermochemistry and combustion.
- Acidity and basicity in organic chemistry.
- Stereochemistry.
- Fundamentals of organic and inorganic chemistry.
- Fundamentals of thermodynamics.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Volhardt KPC & Schore NE (2003) Organic Chemistry, W.H. Freeman & Co, New Yor
- Solomons TW (2003) Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 10: 0471836591 / ISBN 13: 9780471836599
- Azevedo EG (2000) Termodinâmica Aplicada, 2nd ed., Livraria Escolar Editora, Lisboa. ISBN: 9789725921173
- Atkins PW & Paula J (2012) Físico-Química (Vol. 1), 9th ed., LTC, Rio de Janeiro. ISBN: 8521621043