Training in Nursing

Degree in Nursing

Licenciatura em Enfermagem

Mobility Coordinator: Enfª Aida Serra


Lectures Lab/Clinic TG
1st Year / Spring Semester
9500123 Enfermagem Clínica I Clinical Nursing I - 175 3 10
2nd Year / Spring Semester
9500215 Enfermagem Clínica II Clinical Nursing II - 525 8 30
3rd Year / Spring Semester
9500316 Enfermagem Clínica III Clinical Nursing III - 263 4 15
9500317 Enfermagem Clínica IV Clinical Nursing IV - 263 4 15
4th Year / Winter Semester
9500410 Enfermagem Clinica V Clinical Nursing V - 175 3 10
9500411 Enfermagem Clinica VI Clinical Nursing VI - 175 3 10
4th Year / Spring Semester
9500412 Enfermagem Clínica VII Clinical Nursing VII - 245 3 14
9500413 Enfermagem Clínica VIII Clinical Nursing VIII - 280 5 16

 * Students that want to carry out training only may be accepted for Clinical Nursing II1, which is supervised by a full-time Professor. Students wishing to do training in any of the other modules will have to complete the theoretical part at Egas Moniz as well. 

1The training of Clinical Nursing II is composed by 3 modules, each of which lasts for 175 hours (6 weeks) and corresponds to 10 ECTS. Students may choose to complete the three modules (30 ECTS) or just one or two modules. However, students who choose to take the 2nd or 3rd modules are obliged to take the 1st module. Predicted dates for 2020/2021 are the following: 1st period - 01/03/2021 to 16/04/2021; 2nd period - 19/04/2021 to 04/06/2021; 3rd period - 07/06/2021 to 16/07/2021.