Criminal Sociology
Sociologia Criminal
Course code:8059206
Noémia da Glória Mendes Lopes
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Our goal is for the students to acquire specific sociological knowledge about the social processes related to the phenomena of normativity and deviation in modern societies, namely in the Portuguese society.
In the end of this curricular unit, students may have achieved the following Learning Outcomes (LO):
- Know how to identify social patterns of crime, as well as their current patterns of reconfiguration
- To know the main sociological theories on the crime and to know how to apply them in the analysis of the criminality
- Know how to interpret social phenomenology of the violence
- Know how to identify the processes of regulation of social normativity
- Criminality, characterization and tendencies.
- Criminality, theories and critical analysis.
- Civilizational process and violence.
- Regulation processes and social paradoxes.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Frois C. (org.)(2008) A Sociedade Vigilante: ensaios sobre identificação, vigilância e privacidade, Lisboa, Imprensa das Ciências Sociais. ISBN: 9789726712282
- Beck U (1992) Risk Society, London, Sage. ISBN: 0803983468
- Cunha MI (2015) Do Crime e do Castigo - temas e debates contemporâneos, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais. ISBN: 978 989 8536 47 1
- Lawless C. (2016) Forensic Science: a sociological introduction, Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1138794115
- Inglis T (2010) Sociological Forensics: Illuminating the Whole from the Particular, Sociology, 44 (3), 507-522