Forensic Sci.

Forensic Microbiology2

Microbiologia Forense

Course code:8059314

Maria Helena De Sousa Barroso

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of this CU students should be able to isolate, identify and characterize microorganisms, understand the role of bioterrorism in society, and the importance of microorganisms in the forensic investigation. The learning outcomes (LO) of this CU are:

  1. Comparative and integrated study of the morphology, constitution, nutrition and metabolism of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  2. Knowledge of the main microorganisms and metabolites considered as potential biological weapons.
  3. Understanding how to avoid and fight microbial infections.
  4. Acquisition of knowledge on the application of microorganisms in forensic analyses, highlighting their potential as research tools.
  5. Demonstrate and understanding of safe work practices (personal safety, safety of team members and others), and the function and practice of quality assurance.
  6. Notions of laboratory safety in Microbiology and in Forensic Microbiology laboratories.
  1. Introduction to the study of Microbiology.
  2. Knowledge of the microbial cell. Notions of nutrition, growth and bacterial metabolism.
  3. General Principles of Mycology.
  4. General Principles of Virology.
  5. How we avoid and fight microbial infections: Notions of sterilization, antisepsis and disinfection; Antibiotics.
  6. Brief notions about the immune response.
  7. How we protect against Microbial Infections: Vaccines.
  8. Infectious diseases.
  9. Notions of Bioterrorism.
  10. Microbial toxins.
  11. Microorganisms and forensic investigation.
  12. Principles of Epidemiological Research.
  13. Functioning and Laboratory safety.
  14. Learning how to isolate, identify and characterize microorganisms in the laboratory.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Barroso H, Meliço-Silvestre A & Taveira N (2014) Microbiologia Médica, Lidel. ISBN: 9789727575763
  • Ferreira WFC, Sousa JCF & Lima N (coord.) (2010) Microbiologia, Lidel. ISBN: 978-972-757-515-2
  • McDonnel GE (2007) Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization: Types, Action, and Resistance, ASM Press. ISBN: 978-1-55581-392-5
  • Carter DO, Tomberlin JK, Benbow ME, Metcalf JL (Eds.) (2017) Forensic Microbiology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 9781119062554
  • Budowle B, Schutzer SE, Breeze RG, Keim PS & Morse SA (2010) Microbial Forensics, 2nd ed., Elsevier Academic Press. ISBN: 9780123820068