Computer Crimes (Option)
Crimes Informáticos (Opção)
Curse code:8059332
Rogério Bravo
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Assure the target audience a technical, technological and holistic knowledge level leading to a better articulation and understanding between Law and Engineering field practices on cybercrime, computer crime and computer related crime, all based on Information Security Fundamentals and Principals. Different interrelated aspect such as National and International Law, crime typologies, situational analysis models, modi operandi, criminal investigation aspects (evidence preservation, collection) as a first basic response in the crime scene towards a latter lab analysis.
- Computer crime legal, technical and technological identification
- Procedural penal code specifics; international cooperation
- Criminal motivation
- Open source investigation introduction
- Security Information Management Introduction
- Computer crime Modi Operanti
- Digital forensics models and procedures
Suggested Bibliography:
- Casey EP (2011) Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science Computers, and the Internet. Academic Press, 3rd ed. ISBN-13 978-0123742681
- CoE (2020) Electronic Evidence Guide, v. 2.1, (restricted access version)
- ISO 27037; 17025; Regulation CE 765/2008 de 9 de Julho (among other textes referenced in class)
- Laudon KC, Laudon JP (2012) Management Information Systems. 12th ed. Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780132142854
- Portuguese Legislation: República Portuguesa (among other textes given in class: Lei do Cibercrime; Lei da Cibersegurança; Lei Protecção dos Dados Pessoais; “Lei” da Protecção do Software; Lei Direitos do Autor)