
Community Health Nursing I2

Enfermagem de Saúde Comunitária I

Course code:9500118

Paula Helena Loução Paulo Sarreira Nunes de Oliveira

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • Recognize community nursing, as a primary focus for the promotion of the health of the population and of the entire community, in a process of empowering them with a view to achieving health gains and exercising citizenship.
  • Recognize the specificity of family and community nursing.
  • Acquire knowledge that allows the application of epidemiological methods in the diagnosis of the health situation of the population.


  • Knows the implications of human development on the health situation of people.
  • Demonstrates understanding of health and social policies.
  • Sees the individual, the family and the community in a holistic perspective that takes into account of the multiple determinants of health.
  • Analyzes and deepens the knowledge of the organic and functional structure of the National Health Service as well as the Health Centers, as an integral part of the same system.


    1. Health and disease.
    2. Education Concepts.
    3. Introduction to Epidemiology.
    4. Public Health versus Community Health: concept and evolution.
    5. Levels of intervention, prevention and promotion in health: levels of health care.
    6. Primary Health Care.
    7. The intentional behaviors.
    8. Family and Community Intervention Nursing Family.
    9. Nursing and human action. The reasons for the action.
    10. Nursing models and theories to be applied to develop nursing care in the scope of health promotion.

Theoretical-Practical Classes:

    • Analyze and discuss, concepts and strategies of Health
    • Analyze, discuss and evaluate the indicators of health, well-being and quality that characterize the health profile of the population.
    • Mobilize theoretical frameworks that allows sustaining the practices of community nursing, in order to assess family and group health problems.
    • Analyze and reflect the health needs of the individuals / families / community relating them to the health indicators, framed in the priorities and intervention strategies.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Bonita R, Beaglehole R, Kjellström T (2010). Epidemiologia Básica. 2ªed. WHO. Santos Editora: São Paulo. Brasil.
  • Loureiro I, Miranda N (2010). Promover a saúde, Edições Almedina SA. ISBN: 978-972-40-4399-9.
  • Stanhope, M, Lancaster J (2011). Enfermagem de Saúde pública, Lusodidacta. ISBN: 978-989-8075-29-1.
  • Mantzorou M, Mastrogiannis D (2011). The value and significance of knowing the patient for professional practice, according to the carper’s patterns of knowing. Health Science Journal, 5(4) 251-261 (
  • Carvalho AAS, Carvalho SG (2006). Educação para a Saúde: conceitos, práticas e necessidades de formação, Loures: Lusociência.